No Man's Sky News
No Man's Sky: Interceptor Update Adds Capital Ship Combat
The No Man’s Sky: Interceptor update already brings more changes to the ever-evolving game. And unlike the last patch, which mostly focused o...

Sean Murray has us adjusting our tinfoil hats again with his latest No Man’s Sky update tease — or at least, that’s what we’re assuming it is. Up to his usual wink-and-nudge antics, it looks...

I’m an off-again, on-again No Man’s Sky player. The game is kinda built for that. Massive new updates hit the cosmic journey sim what seems like every other week. This often leads me to boot...

Commander Shepard’s ship, the SSV Normandy SR-1, now exists within No Man’s Sky, and I’m just enough of a fucking nerd to be already considering jumping back into Hello Games’ open universe g...

The No Man’s Sky machine just doesn’t seem to stop, does it? Hello Games has announced a new expansion for its procedurally generated space exploration game just a little over a mon...