
Overwatch guide: how to play as Tracer

Spunky, fearless and FAST, Tracer is Overwatch‘s frontwoman. Armed with firepower and time-blinking abilities, she’s a blast to play, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a few tricks up her sleeve. Zam’s Steven Strom shows us how to get kills and get thrills with Tracer.

Check out more Overwatch coverage on Overking.com, including their Tracer guide.

About the Author

Danielle Riendeau

Danielle is the Editor-in-Chief of this delightful website, as well as a part time game design and film professor, volunteer EMT, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt (really working for purple one day), and a hobbysist game developer and screenwriter. She has two kitties and a puppy, all of whom are obscenely cute.