
Halo Infinite Foundation Skull Guide - Second Mission's Skull Location

After years of teasers and delays, the long-awaited Halo Infinite has finally been released. Set on the Zeta Halo, you once again assume the role of the Spartan, Master Chief. Rescued by a fellow USNC soldier, Master Chief is tasked with dispatching a rogue faction of the Covenant called The Banished. Unlike other entries in the franchise, Halo Infinite mixes classic linear level design with a large open-world that players can explore.

One of the earliest Skulls you can nab is during the second mission, Foundation. Remember, you cannot replay this mission once it’s completed without starting a new game, so it’s absolutely worth hunting it down. Plus, this one isn’t that out of the way once you know where it is. So unless you want to be like me and completely walk right by it like a dummy, here’s how to nab the Cowbell Skull. Halo Infinite Foundation SKull Location

Foundation Skull Location

You will find this Skull about halfway into the mission. Fight through the Banished until you reach the large room where you meet your new A.I. companion, The Weapon. After the cutscene, you’ll be whisked away on an elevator to a higher floor. Progress through the next hallway until you reach a large, cathedral-like interior. You should have some Jackals and Grunts along the walkway, so dispose of them first. Before proceeding to the area where you turn on the light bridge, look up at the support structures holding the high ceiling.

Near the side where you initially entered you should see a lone support beam along the ceiling. Use the Grapple Shot the climb up one of the support pillars along the walkway. Aim for the gaps in the pillars, as these will keep you from falling into the pit and let you refresh the cooldown of your grapple. Once you are ready to fire the Grapple Shot again, aim for the support beam (circled above). You should see a gap between the top of the beam and the bottom, so aim for that as the Skull is nestled in between. Keep in mind, if you fall into the pit you’ll need to kill all the enemies on the walkway again. So just take your time and aim your grapple for areas that won’t launch your Spartan into the void due to the momentum.

This is the Cowbell Skull, which increases the acceleration of items caught in explosions. Essentially, if you want to launch something comically far you will want to turn this one on. To activate this Skull, go back to the main menu and select “Load Game.” Now, pick which save slot you want to use, select it, and then pick the “Skulls” tab. This will bring up a menu of all the Skulls you’ve unlocked. Even if you find a Skull on a different save file, it can still be used on other existing save files. They will also appear as completed on your other save files, which is a nice quality of life addition. Remember: Skulls will disable saving and achievements, so use them at your own discretion.

About the Author

Collin MacGregor

Collin MacGregor is the Guide Staff Writer at Fanbyte. He's also the person who willingly plays the support class (you're welcome) and continues to hold out for an Ape Escape remake.