
Crusader Kings 3 Commands Guide - How to Cheat Using Console Commands

Life can be rough in Crusader Kings 3 and sometimes you just want to succeed without having to worry about being taken down by opposing dynasties. If you’re willing to cheat your way to the top you can absolutely do so. Just like in CK2, there are plenty of commands you can use to give you claims, prestige, traits, experience, or just about anything else in the game. In this guide we’ll explain how to open the console commands and what cheats exist.

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How to Open Console Commands in Crusader Kings 3

If you want to enter cheat codes, you must not be playing an Ironman Mode match. The debug menu is disabled during those games. If you’re in a normal game, there are a few ways to open the command console:

  • The “`” key
  • “SHIFT + ALT + C”

These hotkeys only work if you’re on Steam, however. If you’re playing the game via the Xbox app and Xbox Game Pass, the process is a lot more complicated. Rather than just opening the menu in game, you’ll need to run the following code via the Run application.

start shell:AppsFolder\ParadoxInteractive.ProjectTitus_zfnrdv2de78ny!App -debug_mode

Crusader Kings 3 Commands List – Character Commands

There are a ton of potential commands. This section highlights all of the commands which affect a specific character whether that’s your own player character or any other character in the game.

Important Notes:

  • Character IDs are shown when you hover over a specific character.
  • For most commands, entering a negative value will lower the values. There aren’t separate commands to lower the values.

It make take a few tries to get them to execute correctly, but don’t give up!

CommandWhat It DoesExample
ageAdds age to a character.age 20 [character ID]
add_claimAdds a pressed claim to a character.add_claim [title id]
add_dreadAdds dread to a character.add_dread 50
add_perkAdds a perk to a character.add_perk confidants_perk
add_pietyAdds piety to a character.add_piety 50
add_prestigeAdds prestige to a character.add_prestige 50
add_relationAdds a relation to two characters.add_relation brother 1234 5678
add_secretAdds a secret to the player character. (Press Tab to view all secrets)add_secret secret_murdered
add_stressAdds stress to a character.add_stress 50
add_traitAdds a trait to a character.add_trait wrathful
add_lifestyle_xp_allAdds experience to all lifestyles.add_lifestyle_xp_all 50
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xpAdds experience to the diplomacy lifestyle.add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp 50
add_martial_lifestyle_xpAdds experience to the martial lifestyle.add_martial_lifestyle_xp 50
add_strewardship_lifestyle_xpAdds experience to the stewardship lifestyle.add_strewardship_lifestyle_xp 50
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xpAdds experience to the intrigue lifestyle.add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp 50
add_learning_lifestyle_xpAdds experience to the learning lifestyle.add_learning_lifestyle_xp 50
change_diplomacyAdds a diplomacy level(s) to a character.change_diplomacy 1
change_fervorAdds a ferver level(s) to a character.change_fervor 1
change_martialAdds a martial level(s) to a character.change_martial 1
change_stewardshipAdds a stewardship level(s) to a character.change_stewardship 1
change_intrigueAdds a intrigue level(s) to a character.change_intrigue 1
change_learningAdds a learning level(s) to a character.change_learning 1
change_prowessAdds a prowess level(s) to a character.change_prowess 1
clear_character_modifiersRemoves all character modifiers from a character.clear_character_modifiers 1234
clear_traitsRemoves all traits from a character.clear_traits 1234
gain_all_perksGives all lifestyle perks to a character.gain_all_perks 1234
give_titleGives a title to a character.give_title [title id] 1234
goldAdds gold to the player character.add_gold 50
killKills character.kill 1234
pregnancyImpregnates a female character by a male character.pregnancy 1234
remove_nickRemoves the current nickname from a character.remove_nick
remove_relationRemoves a relation between two characters.add_relation brother 1234 5678
remove_traitRemoves a trait from a character.remove_trait wrathful
set_cultureSets a character’s culture to a specific culture.set_culture swedish
set_dreadSets the amount of dread for a character.set_dread 10
set_faithSets a character’s faith to a specific faith.set_faith 10
set_nickGives a nickname to a character.set_nick nick_the_Flayer
set_sexualityChanges the sexual orientation of a character.set_sexuality asexual
set_stressSets the amount of stress for a character.set_stress 10
set_diplomacySets the diplomacy skill level for a character.set_diplomacy 10
set_martialSets the martial skill level for a character.set_martial 10
set_stewardshipSets the stewardship skill level for a character.set_stewardship 10
set_intrigueSets the intrigue skill level for a character.set_intrigue 10
set_learningSets the learning skill level for a character.set_learning 10
set_prowessSets the prowess skill level for a character.set_prowess 10
know_schemesDiscover all schemes targeting the player character.know_schemes
end_schemesEnds all schemes targeting the player character.end_schemes

Crusader Kings 3 Commands List – World Commands

This section highlights all of the commands which affect the realm.


  • Character IDs are shown when you hover over a specific character.
  • For most commands, entering a negative value will lower the values. There aren’t separate commands to lower the values.
CommandWhat It DoesExample
add_title_lawAdds a succession law to a title.
add_title_law [title id] primogeniture_succession_law
change_cultureChanges the culture of a county.change_culture 1234 swedish
change_development_levelChanges the development of a county by X.change_development_level 50 1234
clear_title_lawsRemoves all succession laws from a title.clear_title_laws [title id]
discover_all_erasDiscovers all innovations for the culture of a character.discover_all_eras 1234
discover_eraDiscovers an era and all innovations for the player character’s culture. (Press Tab to see all era IDs)discover_era culture_era_high_medieval
discover_fascinationDiscovers the current fascination of a character’s culture.discover_fascination 1234
discover_innovationDiscovers an innovation for a character’s culture.discover_innovation innovation_currency
dynasty_prestigeAdds or removes renown from a dynasty.dynasty_prestige -100
eventTriggers an event that you’ve scripted.advanced users only, look it up
gain_all_dynasty_perksGives every dynasty legacy to a dynasty of a character.gain_all_dynasty_perks 1234
join_eraMoves a culture to a specific era. (Press Tab to see all era IDs)join_era culture_era_high_medieval 1234
merge_cultureChanges the culture of all counties of one culture to another.merge_culture swedish greek

Crusader Kings 3 Commands List – Cheats

These commands allow you to cheat and alter things can normally never change.

CommandWhat It DoesExample
yesmenAI characters will accept all proposals. Enter again to disable.yesmen
generate_cadet_coaGenerates a new coat of arms for the player character’s dynasty.generate_cadet_coa
instamoveArmies can move one full barony per day.instamove
map_editorOpens the map editor.map_editor
nomenAI characters will refuse all proposals. Enter again to disable.nomen
observeEnters observer mode.observe
playSwitches your playable character to another character.play 1234
portrait_editorOpens the portrait editor.portrait_editor
set_is_aiGives AI control over a character.set_is_ai 1234
set_is_playerGives player control over a character. (Disables AI control)set_is_player 1234
instabuildConstructions in the player character’s domain are finished in a single day. Enter again to disable.instabuild
instabirthPregnancies only take one day. Enter again to disable.instant_birth

About the Author

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.