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There are currently 56 different Teamfight Tactics champions available right now. With abilities, origins, classes, and items to consider, it can be hard to know how strong each one...
We’ve never reached a broad consensus on Destiny. While many games are declared masterpieces, or remembered collectively as ‘beloved 7/10s’, as tremendous failures, or failed experiments,
Got Arbalest in Destiny 2 yet? Well, if not you’d better hustle — the Revelry ends tomorrow on the weekly reset. But a Guardian’s work is never done, so here’s everything you need to kno...
It’s never too late to get into FF14. That being said, there are literally hundreds of hours worth of content to churn through before you get to the most recent stuff. Square Enix can help… f...
The endless stream of loot in The Division 2 will have you tweaking your loadout after every mission. It can be tempting to just equip a higher level item as soon as you pick it up — but you’...
Forager is a tiny, fascinating game in the spirit of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing — only with a lot more instant gratification. You mine, craft, and, well, forage...
In Warframe, Wisp has been a popular choice of ‘frame since her introduction (and subsequent spotlight by Digital Extremes during TennoCon). Her popularity hasn’t waned one bit in the here an...
Technically, the best way to play Teamfight Tactics is to adjust as things happen. When TFT offers you a couple of Nobles or Wild, generally you should lean into those and utilize th...
I genuinely never expected Bethesda to bring back Commander Keen. Outside of a Game Boy Color one-off, the series has been dormant for almost 20 years. The original Commander Keen is bas...
Mortal Kombat 11 brings back a number of fan favorite characters. It’s a celebration of the entire series’ timeline, after all. But some characters are just as bound to make players groa...
Is this a fairly standard thing for an MMO to do, to bring a psychology expert in to talk to them?
The draw of B-movies, such as the ones shown on Mystery Science Theater: 3000, isn’t the fact that the movies shown are asinine. That would be too simple. The fun part is the idea that somebo...
In Bungie’s This Week In Destiny news post, one of the main topics was this year’s Solstice event, which starts on July 18. The blog post gave a peek at the Solstice 2023 armor and the brand-...
During Final Fantasy XIV’s Live Letter 77, director and producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida, alongside community producer Toshio “Foxclon” Murouchi, showcased the many new additions th...
Farming can be a lucrative endeavor, but it can also be overwhelming. There are dozens of crops to choose from in Stardew Valley, each worth varying amounts of gold, and requiring different a...
While not entirely a surprise considering there is usually a Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter at Fan Fest, Square Enix has confirmed the date for the next Letter from the Producer Live, which wi...
Destiny 2 players discovered that some of the best armor mods are locked behind paid seasonal content for New Light players — Destiny 2’s free-to-play version — and those who do not own...
Final Fantasy XIV brings in new players every day, some being refugees from other MMOs, fans of the Final Fantasy franchise, or maybe they want to see what that “critically acclaimed...
If you ever wanted a cute emblem of a little fish buddy swimming in a fishing pond in Destiny 2, you can get it in Season of the Deep. A seasonal Triumph called Exotic Angler became available...