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The Destiny 2 community came together to solve a complicated puzzle in the Imbaru Engine, wrapping up the Season of the Witch story. Shortly after, Bungie congratulated players on Twitter for c...

With the announcement of the Season of the Wish — the final Destiny 2 season — and the Season of the Witch wrapping up, players can still take part in activities and collect new gear. Befo...

Nearly every single month, Destiny 2 has an Amazon Prime Gaming special that typically includes a ship and a sparrow or ghost shell alongside a weapon ornament, emote, or something similar. Sometimes...

In a long-running MMO like Final Fantasy XIV, developers add plenty of new things from time to time to keep people engaged. Players new and old alike can find themselves bitten by the bug of co...

With the addition of Patch 6.5 in Final Fantasy XIV, a few sets of gear have been added to the game. To those that are fans of traditional full-plate armors, common in fantasy settings, the Fie...

The Final Fantasy XIV Callback Campaign has returned once more, as per a blog post on the FFXIV Lodestone. From Nov. 8, 3:00am EST, until Dec. 14, 3:00am EST, you’ll be able to invite yo...

It’s November, and while many Final Fantasy XIV players are struggling to decide whether to brave Aloalo Island to secure every path, or grind out their Island Sanctuary, Roegadyn players are m...

It's been a busy day in the world of Destiny 2. After the weekly reset, we got the last few parts of the Imbaru Engine puzzle leading to an all-new cutscene confirming that Savathun has finally...

Every Destiny 2 season has secrets that take the form of collectibles or puzzles hiding in plain sight, rewarding players with a secret chest. Players can uncover secret Triumphs in Season of t...

While the news out of Bungie and Destiny 2 has been grim as of late, there's one thing the community will always agree on: community puzzles are one of the best parts of the entire experience....

The Imbaru Engine is a puzzle room inside the oubliette in Savathun’s Throne World as part of the Destiny 2 Season of the Witch storyline.

Final Fantasy XIV offers a wide selection of mounts to its players, and some of them take a considerable amount of work to obtain. The Magicked Card mount is one that you won't find any shortcu...

Many of the collectible mounts, minions and glamours of Final Fantasy XIV require exchanging a particular currency that players earn through the game's many activities. The newest Variant...

Following this week’s reset, players can finally get the final Opaque Card in Season of the Witch’s Deck of Whispers. In Season of the Witch, Destiny 2 players are tasked with collect...

Bungie came out with patch today in Destiny 2, bringing a major change to Trials of Osiris. Trials will now have quitter protection for those who start matches with missing players. Thi...

Last week was rough for developers since there are so many layoffs happening in the games industry. Bungie laid off employees too — which was due to Destiny 2 underperformance, IGN re...

Attention Destiny 2 Hunter mains, Xur is selling a god-tier Mechaneer’s Tricksleeves for PVE. This 67-total stat Exotic armor piece has high resilience and discipline spikes with moderate recov...

New information provided by Forbes writer Paul Tassi after "a lengthy conversation with someone with inside knowledge of the situation," reveals that Destiny 2’s in-game looking-for-g...

On Monday, Oct. 30, vocalist Susan Calloway, a prominent performer of FFXIV music, faced allegations of transphobia and Islamophobia due to likes and replies on her Twitter/X account....

Layoffs at Bungie this week, left about 100 employees out of a job. So, instead of the usual This Week In Destiny blog post, the developer shared a statement acknowledging player concerns about...