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We’re embarrassed to say that we almost got our butts kicked in this video. If you want to do a little better than us, it’s a good idea to manage your distance to the boss more effectively than we did...

That Stench Most Foul is a fun boss– listen carefully, and you can hear that it’s literally farting the entire time. But when you come right down to it, this is one of the easiest bosses in the game....

The Bloodless Prince looks like a really scary boss fight, but he’s actually pretty simple. In fact, this video is us beating him on our very first try. The Prince moves and attacks extremely slowly a...

Watching Paint Dry is everything that it says on the tin: it’s a game where you watch paint dry. Even calling it a game might be stretching the definition, because what 16-year-old hacker&nbs...

Mad Alchemist doesn’t have much health, but he does spawn a lot of adds who can freeze you in place and do poison damage. Try equipping a weapon, like a bullwhip, that can deal damage above the charac...

The Dried King is a big dude with some deadly hands. Here’s how to beat him silly, and finish his handsy reign of terror in Salt and Sanctuary.

The Tree of Men boss in Salt and Santuary is as much a platforming challenge as a tough customer in its own right. In this boss guide, we show you how to put out its fires – for good.

Having trouble beating the Kraekan Wyrm boss in Salt and Sanctuary? Here’s how to take the fiery beast down, quick

Stardew Valley is so hot right now. Not, like, in game, as I’m sure that’d kill the crops, but as a figure of speech, it’s on fi-yah. We loved it in our review, but fo...

Dark Souls III is so close, we can almost smell the blood. Here’s an hour of gameplay from the Road of Sacrifices.

The video contains story spoilers for Cibele and Firewatch.

Your mileage with Fallout 4 may vary: it’s messy and kind of broken, as all Bethesda games are, and you either embrace that and enjoy building an eight-story open-floor office building out of...

Tyriq Plummer, the creator of Catacomb Kids, gave one of my favorite ever talks at the Game Developers Conference yesterday. The premise was simple: human beings have a physicality to them th...

The “indiepocalypse” — a term for the supposed end of the indie game boon we currently find ourselves in the midst of — is a terrible name. That much was clear during today’s ‘What Do We Mea...

You have to love Conan O’Brien’s Clueless Gamer series, even if you don’t otherwise watch his show. They’re great standalone bits of entertainment. And I suspect, as we get older and we find ourselves...

“They’re approaching the design of cards like a little bit differently,” Complexity’s Noxious tells our sister site, Hearthhead. “They’re pushing to the extreme the idea of building a deck around...

In a jokey interview with Eurogamer’s Chris Bratt (below), No Man’s Sky director Sean Murray confirms what we all suspected: the center of the game’s procedurally-generated universe is Peter...

Dark Souls III will launch on April 12, 2016. It’s so close, we can almost hear the roars of its unspeakable creatures, ready to pounce all over us and tear our egos to shreds all over again....

Dark Souls III is very nearly upon us, and we’re quaking in our boots in feverish anticipation. Zam contributor Miguel Concepcion shows off his adventures in the game and gives impressions, f...