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Weapon crafting in Destiny 2 can be a bit of a pain sometimes. In order to craft a weapon, you need to first obtain Deepsight drops of it. That’s not too bad for seasonal weapons, w...

Added in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph, Blowout is an adaptive frame Arc rocket launcher. Is it worth using? What are some of its best perks? Let’s take a look.

Each season, Destiny 2 presents players with a list of Seasonal Challenges to complete. These challenges award experience, Bright Dust, and occasionally other items. One typical cha...

Added in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph, Exalted Truth is an adaptive frame Void hand cannon. Is it worth using? What are some of its best perks? Let’s take a look.

Added in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph, Unwavering Duty is an adaptive frame Solar LMG. Is it worth using? What are some of its best perks? Let’s take a look.

Of all of the threats that Guardians have faced in Destiny 2 — vast armies, alien gods, time traveling robots — none can match the malice and cruelty of the game’s true antagonist: the P...

Prospective Iron Lords, Bungie has heard your cries — when Iron Banner returns to Destiny 2 later this month, it’ll be undergoing some changes.

A hotfix applied to Destiny 2 today addressed Crucible Quickplay quitter penalties, among other things. A post on Bungie’s site details the full changelist, which includes the resol...

Grandmaster Nightfalls have arrived once again in Destiny 2, and Season of the Haunted is a great time to try them out for the first time. The short Pinnacle grind means that it’s pretty...

It’s that time of the season when Destiny 2 releases the Grandmaster difficulty for Nightfalls. Grandmaster Nightfalls are some of the toughest content in the game, and if you’re lo...

Over the last few years of Destiny 2, multiple factions that were once blood enemies with the Guardians have put aside their differences to form alliances with the Tower. First, in Seaso...

Earlier today, the official Destiny 2 Twitter account made an announcement: starting January 11, 2023, all standard armor mods will be available to all players. Historically, these...

As of today, the Stadia servers for Destiny 2 have been shut down in anticipation of Google shutting down the cloud gaming service on January 18. Yes, like many underperforming Goog...

Another patch day is upon us in Final Fantasy XIV. With FFXIV Patch 6.3, we’re getting a ton of new content and quality-of-life improvements in the critically acclaimed MMORPG. Most...

When Beyond Light was released in 2020, Bungie introduced the Destiny Content Vault (DCV), a system where older Destiny 2 content was regularly removed from the g...

Iron Banner has returned to Destiny 2, and this time Saladin has company — he’s brought some of his Cabal friends’ tech along with him in the new Fortress mode. That said, one thing hasn...

When Destiny 2 first launched, it was a retail game sold both digitally and on physical media. A lot’s changed since then, and the game’s pricing structure is one of those things. <...

There are a lot of different apps and sites out there that can help you out during a Destiny 2 session. One of the most useful is the Destiny 2 Companion, Bungie’...

Operation: Seraph Shield is sort of the centerpiece of Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph, a mission players will return to again and again to improve the Revision Zero Exotic weapon an...

Returning in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph, Gunnora’s Axe is a precision frame Arc shotgun. Is it worth using? What are some of its best perks? Let’s take a look.