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Lightfall is less than a month away and the previews for this new Destiny 2 expansion are in full swing. Along with a new destination and story, one of Lightfalls’ most significant additions...

The controversy surrounding third-party tools in Final Fantasy XIV continues. Last week, it was related to the World First race and raid teams using third-party tools that gave them a leg up in...

Season 16 of Apex Legends is right around the corner and it’s making some substantial changes to the game. The first season to launch without a new legend, Season 16 is all about rebalan...

Discord is a tremendously useful piece of software that lets people communicate via text, speech, and video. Since it was originally built for gamers, it has a number of gaming-specific features as we...

There are six character stats in Destiny 2, each affecting different aspects of the game. Through the use of armor pieces and mods, you can build into desired stats, though it’s impossib...

They did it. The absolute mad lads, they finally did it. In today’s TWAB post, Bungie announced that the much-despised blue engrams in Destiny 2 will stop dropping after players hit...

Bandai Namco is preparing to step into the MMORPG space with its upcoming game, Blue Protocol. While some might be fearful that the release of one game might see their favorite falter, that doe...

Since last week, the high-end players of Final Fantasy XIV have been involved in a race. The best raid teams have been slamming their heads into the wall known as The Omega Protocol (Ultimate)....

With the 3.0 subclass reworks, Destiny 2 built its gameplay around a series of keywords that are themed to the game’s different damage types. However, many older Exotic weapons in&n...

Better use Krait, Fire and Forget, Taipan, Funnelweb, and basically every Veist weapon while you can because with the release of Lightfall later this month, Bungie is finally checking the pow...

Kinetic weapons have been in an odd place for a while now in Destiny 2. With the addition of Stasis weapons in the kinetic slot, regular old bullets seem a little lackluster in comp...

Wondering what the best Destiny 2 subclass is? Or what the worst is? With Stasis in the mix, there are twelve different subclasses across the game’s three character types. When Stra...

Added in the Witch Queen expansion to Destiny 2, Fel Taradiddle is a lightweight kinetic bow associated with Savathun’s Throne World. Let’s take a look at some of the best...

With the Lightfall expansion rapidly approaching in Destiny 2, developer Bungie is making it easier for folks to craft all those seasonal weapons from last year. Announced today via the This...

In the run-up to Lightfall, Fanbyte recently had the opportunity to speak with Liz Baker and Nikko Stevens, two members of the Destiny narrative team, about the Destiny...

We’re almost at the release of Destiny 2’s next major expansion, Lightfall, releasing worldwide. Set in the hidden city of Neomuna on Neptune, players will battle against Emperor Calus’ army...

Another This Week at Bungie delves deep into a lot of Destiny 2 balance changes as we get ready for the Lightfall expansion (and its subsequent seasons). One such area that’s being a...

Crucible Matchmaking in Destiny 2 has been something of a hot-button issue in the game for the last little while. Bungie has been open about the challenges involved in designing matchmak...

One of the most irritating aspects of endgame Destiny 2 content is Champions. These enemies have powerful abilities (teleportation, impenetrable barriers, etc.) that can only be shu...

Big changes are coming to mods in Destiny 2 in Lightfall. In a news post on their site today, Bungie explained some of the changes players have been anticipating to th...