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Destiny 2’s Season of the Seraph is almost halfway over and there are a bunch of new armor sets for players to hunt down. With the introduction of transmogrification in the Shadowkeep expansi...

You may have hoped that this final stage of creating FFXIV Skybuilders’ Tools would be a victory lap. Instead, this becomes the hardest grind of the entire tool questline by involving expert crafting,...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Saturday, July 9, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 385 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Wh...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Monday, July 4, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 380 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whet...

The Tower of Fantasy release date has been long overdue since the announcement that the RPG would be launching on this side of the world. If you’re a fan of Genshin Impact...

We’re in an odd time for Final Fantasy XIV. Players have firmly settled into Patch 6.3 and are probably working on other areas like leveling alternate Jobs or collecting mounts. We also know th...

Somehow we’re 18 seasons into Destiny 2 and by this point you have to know what that means. There are more weapons to chase, weapon patterns to unlock, and XP to grind. In the all new Season...

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a...

I miss Power Stone everyday. And while it seems like Capcom isn’t bringing the chaotic multiplayer brawler back anytime soon, we may have a worthy replacement in the form of

Hey, welcome to the first Wordle of the day for 2023. Happy new year and all that. If you weren’t aware for some reason, that means we’ve hit Jan. 1, 2023 and puzzle #561 for all folks keepin...

In Warframe, Nitain Extract is one of the more limited rare resources one can acquire. And that’s saying something in a game where farming crafting materials, blueprints, and parts is the chi...

Welcome to Patch 6.35 of Final Fantasy XIV! We have a full breakdown of the FFXIV 6.35 patch notes, but this guide is focused on the newest Deep Dungeon. Following the Palace of the Dead and He...

The Last of Us Part I is finally here, so grab your revolver, don your flannel shirt, and stock up on supplies because it’s time to fight through hordes of infected once more. It’s a remake o...

Now that we’ve cleared the “introductory” first 30 levels of Eureka Orthos, it’s onto the more unforgiving floors. From this point forward, any party wipe means the entire run is over and you have to...

The Destiny 2 Scallywag Title is the signature Seal Title of Season of Plunder, and the Triumphs are already available for you to get started. While Lightfall is still on t...

Lightfall is here, and well… it’s kind of disappointing. It’s certainly no Witch Queen, and while that expansion set a high bar for future Destiny 2 content,&...

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a...

I’ve written about the VTech Socrates before, in a piece on game consoles with fun names. In that piece, I mentioned that the educational console scared me, but didn’t say much beyond that. Here, then...

Soul Hackers 2 tips are sure to come in handy for the new JRPG from Atlus, which comes with its own new additions and tweaks to existing formulas. While smaller in scope in comparison to rece...

The third set of improvements to your FFXIV Skysteel Tools wll now augment your Dragonsung gear to further improve its capabilities. There is, however, no new design to this stage. This quest...