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The Solstice event is here in Destiny 2, and Guardians are busy upgrading their armor and completing the Bonfire Bash activity. There are some new cosmetics to earn, including an emblem...

With the changes to the mod system in Destiny 2: Lightfall, weapon types have become much less important and elemental type has become key. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of some of...

We’ve officially reached the halfway point of Season 16 in Apex Legends, which means it’s time for a new event. Dubbed “Sun Squad,” this one is all about relaxation and enjoying a beach...

Food plays a vital role in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. Breaking bread with friends and allies, newfound acquaintances, or former adversaries has been an important gesture and custom, just...

If you stayed up this morning, then you were able to catch the latest Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter from the Producer. If you happened to miss it, FFXIV lead producer and creative direct...

The latest weekend Wordle of the day starts anew! I assume you haven’t quite started yet, or are still working your way through, considering you’re now checking the guide to Jan. 28, 2023. We...

The latest MultiVersus Season 1 patch lands Monday, and it finally nerfs the despicable monster known as Bugs Bunny.

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a...

On a temperate Friday afternoon in June, the sun flitted among the clouds creating the perfect day to sit outside and relax — except I was sitting in my childhood bedroom enthralled by Cofounder and D...

The first improvements for your FFXIV Skysteel Tools will initially upgrade the gear from “Skysteel” to “Skysteel +1.” This does not provide any changes to the look of the tool. Instead, it w...

Spoiler warning: This article contains spoilers for the puzzle game Tunic.

Your latest Monday Wordle of the day arrives now! It’s the puzzle Jan. 16, 2023. Regardless, we have all the hints you need for today. Specifically, this will help you quickly solve puzzle #5...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Friday, June 24, 2022 and we made it to the end of the week with Wordle 370. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’r...

As many have noted, the true endgame of Final Fantasy XIV is glamour. Having the right look is key for expressing yourself in the game. Are you truly the Warrior of Light if you don’t have your...

There are hundreds of shaders to apply to your gear in Destiny 2, each of which adds various colors and textures to the game’s weapons and armor. There are red shaders, blue shaders, gol...

Generally, when we provide an update on the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store, it’s usually involving a seasonal item returning. You can always pick up seasonal items a year later if you happen to...

It’s the Wordle of the day yet again and we’ve got your hints (plus the only answer) for Nov. 26, 2022. That brings us to puzzle #525 and the weekend. Well, depending on your situation and lo...

Another Wordle of the day makes it to, well, today. Thursday, to be specific! If you haven’t checked, that means we’ve reached Jan. 26, 2023 and the latest puzzle hints. That also means we’re...

It’s another Wordle of the day in 2023. Hopefully it’s been a good year so far! Not that you’ve had a lot of time to enjoy it given that we’re only at Jan 2, 2023 and puzzle #562 (just for yo...

In Final Fantasy XIV, Soot Black Dye is a super useful material in many weekend Fashion Report events throughout the year. Especially now during the Make It Rain 2022 event...