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In the Tenth Circle of Pandaemonium: Anabaseios, Final Fantasy XIV pitted the Warrior of Light against an unliving abomination with no will of its own. In the Eleventh Circle, the conflict co...

Weapon types have become much less important with changes to the mod system in Destiny 2: Lightfall, but elemental types are key. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best...

I have a confession to make — I’m terrible at pinball. Somehow, I’ve just never gotten the hang of it. (Funnily enough, one of the very first pieces I wrote for Fanbyte was about pinball.) I have a ha...

Avast Guardians, Season of Plunder is here! This space pirate-themed Destiny 2 season is all about crossing blades with Fallen House of Salvation, hunting for buried treasure, and workin...

The Island Sanctuary is one of the many activities in Final Fantasy XIV that becomes available to players upon completion of the latest expansion, Endwalker. Building on the islands, which we...

In today’s TWAB, Bungie officially unveiled the Season of the Deep, giving Destiny 2 players their first glimpse in the upcoming 21st season of the game. The teaser image reveals a...

A light party begins their Leveling Duty Roulette in the infamous Aurum Vale. From the get-go, the healer has a hard time keeping the tank’s health up before the party inevitably wipes. The White Mage...

The Posher Otter was one of the many minions teased during Final Fantasy XIV’s Live Letter 77. Now that Patch 6.4 is live, players can now finally obtain the adorable top hat wearing minion f...

Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion has finally been released and there’s a ton of new content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with a new story, exotics, loot, endgame content, and a...

Although the Parting the Veil quest started alongside Season of the Deep, it’s an extension of the Destiny 2: Lightfall storyline. When you complete this quest, a Lightfall campaign...

Here at Fanbyte’s dedicated Final Fantasy XIV section, aka The Linkshell, we cover the critically acclaimed MMORPG as comprehensively as possible. News, featured stories, guides, and even a m...

Praise the Emperor, Warhammer 40k: Darktide is finally here, which means it’s time to purge the heretics of Chaos. Set in the hive city of Tertium, Darktide casts players...

Yesterday, Bungie released a teaser trailer for The Final Shape. It’s quite short, but it includes a hell of a surprise — Ikora is talking to Cayde-6, the former Hunter Vanguard who’s be...

Ah, the rocket launcher. When you want to blow up a whole mess of enemies in Destiny 2, there’s no weapon type better suited to the job. There are plenty to choose from, so here are our...

With its own host of diners, drive-ins, and deep-sea dives, FFXIV‘s Crystal data center is brimming with eccentric housing ventures. The data center has a long-standing reputation as the plac...

Ever chase down a Distress Signal only to find yourself asking how to sell ships in No Man’s Sky? Players can only have so many of these suckers in their personal fleet. If you get one you do...

Players are another step closer to Patch 6.4 in Final Fantasy XIV. Recently, Square Enix dropped the preliminary notes for the patch, giving Warriors of Light another glimpse of what’s coming i...

Even if you missed the Final Fantasy XIV 6.2 Live Letter announcements, there still may be time to score the new FFXIV merch. On Friday, director and producer Naoki Yoshida revealed...

There were a plethora of new mounts and minions added in Final Fantasy XIV‘s Patch 6.4, and players are looking to grab up as many as they can as fast as they can. One of the new additions, t...

Every year, the Wandering Minstrel breaks from his daily duty of telling exaggerated tales of our primal-defying achievements. As a stand-in for director and producer Naoki Yoshida, this NPC comes aro...