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Bungie’s recent State of the Game blog announced that Destiny 2's Trials of Osiris is getting a new armor set in Season of the Witch, and gave us a preview of the bear-looking Titan armor...

Guardians jumping into Destiny 2 Season of the Witch can look forward to an all-new Exotic grenade launcher, a new Exotic armor piece for each class, and several Exotics returning as part...

Season of the Witch is here and with it we’ve gotten a new Void Precision Frame scout rifle, Brya’s Love. It has all the perks you could want from a scout rifle for both PVE and PVP alongside some new...

With the introduction of the Season of the Witch, we now have more seasonal craftable weapons to collect. Not only that, some Exotic weapons are making their crafting debut. While seasonal weapons dro...

After the Destiny 2: Lightfall campaign, players received the Strand Darkness subclass, and with it came Aspects and Fragments. In Season of the Deep, players were able to get new Strand A...

One of the unappreciated things about Final Fantasy XIV is that while you do spend a lot of time killing enemies, you also get some time to rebuild and fix things. The Ishgardian Restorati...

A new season in Destiny 2 means you can acquire a new seasonal Exotic weapon. For Season of the Witch, this is the Ex Diris, an Exotic grenade launcher with some winged friends.

On the verge of Destiny 2 Season 22, Bungie posted another Developer Insights post looking at upcoming weapon updates, significantly regarding Exotic weapons. While 11 Exotic weapons are getting an up...

Bungie gave a first look at the Season 22 armor — the developer hasn't said whether this is the seasonal set or seasonal ornament — that players can get. (Update: this is the Season o...

In the Destiny 2: The Final Shape showcase, Bungie gave players a first look at the upcoming expansion, which takes place inside the Traveler. After 10 years of watching the Traveler from the T...

Before the Season 22 launch in Destiny 2, Bungie shared a blog post previewing the Seasonal Artifact perks — unlike Artifact mods of the past, these perks now apply to your character directly a...

One of the most bizarre and surprising announcements at the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest 2023 in Las Vegas was a collaboration with Fall Guys, the Total Knock Out-style platforming battle...

Who’s ready to grind out another Destiny 2 title? Season of the Witch is now live and that means it’s time to get chipping away at adding another (or your first) title to your repertoire. There...

Final Fantasy XIV is a massive game with many things for players to do. From story quests, to PVP, to fashion, FFXIV makes sure players have varied options. One of the many things...

Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival 2023 in London is just over two months away, but fans can get in on the festivities early by pre-ordering their limited-time merch today. As detailed on a post on...

In Final Fantasy XIV, collecting things is a natural part of any player's journey. Glamor may be the end-game, but true completionists may strive to check off every minion, mount, and housing i...

The Rising event is a yearly celebration of Final Fantasy XIV's re-envisioning of the game with the launch of A Realm Reborn, and this year marks the significant milestone of one decade...

The Moogle Treasure Trove event ushers in each major patch in Final Fantasy XIV, and the tradition is no different for Patch 6.5. In this event, players earn a time-limited currency by doing co...

Season of the Deep ushered in a new format for seasonal activities with Deep Dives in Destiny 2 — it’s similar to a roguelite with a few twists. Deep Dives is a timed seasonal activity whe...

Destiny 2 players who want to show their support for those impacted by devastating wildfires in Maui can now contribute via a link on the Bungie Foundation website to get a specially-designed s...