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Destiny and The Division have Exotics. Borderlands has Pearlescents. Now, Anthem has Masterworks. Well, technically there are both Anthem legenda...

2019 is a great time to revive The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, the series’ quirky 1993 Game Boy game. In its day, the handheld entry sported some odd deviations for the ser...

We’ve all been here before, am I right? You forget to open the window before you hit the shower and BOOM! Mold everywhere. Well, be thankful the mold in your grimy bathroom isn’t as aggressive as the...

Updated 4:00 PM ET: Confirmation of official status as a KFC promotion, and other details!

Pokemon was a huge part of my life growing up. Even though I’ve fallen off of the franchise a bit, the upcoming release of Sword and Shield is getting me excited about it all over...

As many of you gorgeous readers may already know, Capcom has outdone itself with the new Resident Evil 2 remake. The developer has once again raised the bar...

Despite never actually saying it made Pokemon Go, and its logo appearing exactly nowhere in the app, Nintendo has been enjoying a huge uptick in market value since the app’s launch two weeks...

Wishes do come true: Jirachi, the Wish Pokemon, has arrived in Pokemon GO via a quest called Thousand Year Slumber.This Jirachi Pokemon GO Special Research guide will be up...

Destiny 2 is all about hunting down the best armors and weapons to kit out your Guardian. If you’re going to play for sci-fi fantasy fashion, you need to hunt down some of the rarest gear. Mo...

In MHW, Brute Tigrex is a tremendously annoying subspecies found only in the Guiding Lands. Its claim to fame is a constant, debilitating roar that it will unleash before charging you across...

Link’s Awakening is an atypical Zelda game in many respects. One of these is that the Bow — a staple of Link’s arsenal — is not found in a dungeon. In fact, the bow is...

Rayquaza, the god-tier dragon pokemon, returns to Pokemon Go throughout August 2019. While not the most aesthetically pleasing dragon out there, it’s hard to deny just how cool Rayquaza’s deb...

Pokemon Sword and Shield is out now, and many have already decided if they’re a part of the Sobble Squad, the Grookey Gang, or the Scorbunny Crew. Everyone’s got an aesthetic, and while opinion...

Turtwig is the Pokemon GO September Community Day creature. The grass-type starter of Gen IV games Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, Turtwig is tech...

A new season in Destiny 2 brings with it a whole new set of pinnacle weapons. And you can bet each one is cooler than the last. Continuing with the trend of the past few seasons, Bungie has b...

Dragon Age is a series of three fantasy RPGs about sarcastic queer people saving the world, being miserable in a bad city, and militarizing the world’s largest religion, respectively. The games...

The ripples along the Tacoma Narrows Bridge right before it breaks up are mesmerizing.

The Hyrule of Breath of the Wild is a lonely, ruined world, its wide expanses inhabited by just-out-of-reach memories, ghosts, moss-covered ruins, monsters and trepidatious travelers. Settlemen...

Base building is one of the core mechanics of No Man’s Sky. Bases allow you to farm, store resources, recharge your Shields, and much more! Our No Man’s Sky Base Building Guide will...

Grimes’ gaming-inspired outfits are a familiar sight to her fans by now. In a recent Instagram post, the pop star and tastemaker wore a bulky pauldron strapped to one shoulder, molded into the sh...