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After a week full of teases following the conclusion of this year’s Pokemon Go Fest events, the yearly Pokemon Go Ultra Bonus event has finally been revealed. Now we’re in for weeks of exciting spawns...

Guess who’s back! G is back. That’s right, there was a reason our previous Resident Evil 2 boss guide was called the first boss fight. You fight this hulking monstrosity...

Even the best WWE storylines, the ones that mostly make sense and pay off in the end, usually include a lot of filler and at least one creative misstep. Good or bad, angles are often presented in thei...

Japan is the birthplace of Pokemon, so it struck many as odd that Pokemon Go had rolled out in so many other countries but not in its native land. Rumors have...

Pinnacle weapons are now a thing of the past in Destiny 2. A week before the Shadowkeep release Bungie announced that pinnacle weapons would be retired in favor of the renamed ritual weapons....

So you want to defeat Deviljho? The first monster added to Monster Hunter: World after the game’s initial release is no pushover. Our guide will help you find and defeat this fearsome foe.

I am playing Destiny 2 again with the release of its Shadowkeep expansion — and honestly enjoying it quite a lot! Destiny is and always has been fun to p...

At first glance, Warframe is all about getting new ‘frames and weapons. But all of the real action is behind the scenes. Mods are the primary determiners of your power level — regardless of w...

In its continuing effort to secure the exclusive rights to as many cherished childhood memories as possible, HBO has acquired sole US streaming rights to the entirety of Studio Ghibli’s catalogue of a...

A normal Pokemon game is all about collecting Pokemon, but Pokemon Masters is about collecting Pokemon and Trainers. Together they’re called Sync Pairs and there are 65 of them in th...

Character progression is very unique in Warframe. You do get increased health, greater energy pools, and more powerful abilities when you level up your individual ‘frames. But the vast m...

Smash Ultimate sure does give the Pokemon series a lot of love. Not only are tons of the pocket monsters represented via Poke Balls, but many of the more famous (and more humano...

Sure, Smash Ultimate. Why not? If we can have custom characters like Robin and the Pokemon Trainer in this massive crossover series, why not a Mii or three? The somewhat dead-eyed charac...

Pokémon Go may be the perfect summer game.

Borderlands 3 is not a very polished game. To its credit, developer Gearbox Software has been addressing the various glitches, bugs, and balance issues with hotfixes. These mini updates apply...

Before I tell you about my experience with Valley, let’s just get one thing straight: this is not a horror game. Just because it was made by Blue Isle Studios, the creators behind Slender: T...

When you first start off in No Man’s Sky, you don’t exactly get to be picky with your ship selection. You’re likely either stuck with the starter ship, are slowly upgrading via star stations,...

League of Legends can be a brutal game. It takes time, hard work, and not just a little luck to dominate ranked play. Even then, you might be missing that competitive edge — that one lit...

The Destiny 2 Postmaster mainly catches items players miss during in-game activities. But in the Season of the Drifter, players have discovered their postage also carries some interestin...

No starry-eyed child ambles through a snowy playground chanting things like “I want to be a freelance Santa Inspector when I grow up.” But when the holidays roll around, and you’ve accidentally