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Kerbal Space Program 2 was announced earlier today during Gamescom 2019’s opening festivities, delighting fans of complex space sims and janky-ass spaceship explosions in equal measure. But b...

Divinity is a new Exotic trace rifle in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep to get it, you must complete the Divine Fragmentation quest that begins with “What’s This…” It’s the new weapon associated with t...

Hidden in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is an emblem which is dedicated to NASA. The Orbital Cartographer emblem is located on the Moon patrol zone. To find it all you need to do is head to the K1 Lo...

There’s an awful lot to love about Final Fantasy XIV already. The MMORPG has an incredible single-player story (among the best in the series), killer costume design, and some absolutely amazi...

When it comes to weaponry in Destiny 2, nothing is more coveted than the glorified Exotic weapon. Exotics are tough to get, but offer some of the most interesting and unique abilities in the...

The 5.1 patch for Final Fantasy XIV had a ton packed in already. In fact, it was so much, that they opted, as usual, to bring it in through several smaller patches. But these patches are...

Overwatch is a fun, colorful game, in part because it has a strong foundation in classical animation — especially Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli. Those roots (pun??) could not be any cleare...

In honor of the Summer Olympics kicking off this Friday in Rio de Janeiro, Blizzard is rolling out a series of commemorative skins which showcase Overwatch‘s mighty heroes repping for their c...

You should get your first apparel cache in The Division 2 pretty quickly. These loot boxes might be familiar to anyone that’s played a multiplayer game in the last five years. Jus...

Alright so, Pokemon Sword and Shield both come out in a couple weeks, and Trainers still don’t officially know which of their legacy Pokemon will be eligible for transfer into the new games....

Pinnacle weapons are now a thing of the past in Destiny 2. A week before the Shadowkeep release Bungie announced that pinnacle weapons would be retired in favor of the renamed ritual weapons....

No loot shooter is complete without a heaping helping of super powerful gear. In The Division 2, that means exotic weapons with unique perks and useful stats! Exotics can come in all sorts of...

Pokemon GO has many ways to add Pokemon to your collection at this point. Eggs continue to be a great way to do so, but it’s good to know what the pool for each egg type is. At least that way you’ll n...

Lord Saladin and his Iron Banner return to Destiny 2‘s Tower next week, for the first time since Shadowkeep brought us back to our extremely haunted, bug-infested moon. As always, Ir...

The email was innocuous enough. “Meet Sirfetch’d!” the subject line read, excitedly introducing the newest addition to the Pokemon Sword and Shield games. The internet went wild, as...

The Evolution Championship Series has been at the center of the fighting game community since its beginnings as the Battle By the Bay tournament in 1996. Evo is the largest fighting game tournament in...

A number of employees at Riot Games, the studio behind League of Legends, have initiated an organized walkout to protest the company today. This follows a streak of investigative reports (lar...

“We wanted another Shovel Knight game,” says Alec Faulkner of Yacht Club Games, “but we didn’t want to make it. We’re sick of making Shovel Knight games. And we’re still making one of ou...

Borderlands 3 has a lot that separates it from the previous games — if you know where to look. One such new feature is the the ability to equip any Action Skill right from the start of t...

“Can we go to the skull fort?” an excited voice shouts through the headset. I look over and see my nephew on the ship’s prow, clutching a telescope and signalling over to a terrifying skull-shaped clo...