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With certain videogames, staying up-to-date with the best strategies and gear can be just as useful as mastering the mechanics and controls. Often this concept of what is the best or most efficient in...

This guy. This %&$#?@! guy. Let’s cut to the chase… You’re here to find out to beat and/or escape Mr. X, a.k.a. Tyrant, in Resident Evil 2 and I don’t blame you. Because...

Bioware fans had a bit of a shock when it turned out that there was no romance in Anthem. With games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age featuring a whole host of arresting companions...

When it released in 2015, Cities: Skylines almost immediately became the go-to title for strategy gamers craving a good city management sim. It’s a robust and intricate city builder...

We’re all big fans of Overwatch here at Zam, which puts us in an exclusive minority of about 15 million players worldwide. But if you happen to have not heard about this niche t...

Welcome to Auroa! Sadly, things have gone belly up in the libertarian utopia of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, so it’s up to you to free the island chain from the brutal rule of the Wolves....

“To somebody who’s totally unfamiliar with anything we’ve made,” interjects Kevin “HotStuff” Simmons, “I would say it’s an adventure RPG that we like to think of a *Skyrim* with beans and big hats.”

During the early stages of the Shadowkeep expansion for Destiny 2, Eris Morn will have you completing missions to create and purify various pieces of the Dreambane armor set. The Ess...

Ring of Elysium is a game that, like many other battle royale titles, requires that you stumble upon the best equipment you possibly can if you want to take on the competition. Given that thi...

One of the biggest changes added in Civilization 6’s Gathering Storm expansion is an overhaul of the diplomacy system. Warmongering has been replaced by grievances, a diplomatic victory...

Monster Hunter: World – Iceborne doesn’t just let old monsters have all the fun. It’s also home to all-new creatures debuting in Gen 5 of the series. One such slippery, sinister beast is Nami...

On a recent episode of Radiolab, the linguist Guy Deutscher discussed teaching his daughter the names of different colors. He would point to different things in the world and say they were either gree...

I’m level 19 in Pokemon Go. At this point in the game, I have a few modestly powerful Pokemon, enough that I can start taking on some of the gyms in my city. As I discovered, though, gyms are...

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep comes with a slew of new exotic weapons and gear. Some are part of the base expansion while others are locked behind the Season of the Undying Season Pass. In total there...

MMORPGs have always been notorious time-sinks. But no matter how many quests and dungeons these games offer, they all seem to have a sizeable community of roleplayers nonchalantly inhabiting their cha...

In a surprise missive to both fans and employees, Bungie today announced the end of its Destiny publishing agreement with Activision. Bungie will retain the rights to the Destiny fra...

Well hey there, Guardian. Welcome to the Tower, the glorious last bastion of humanity of in the galaxy. That’s what the Vanguard would say, anyway. Guessing you got a lot of questions bouncing around...

The most important choice you make early on in Fire Emblem: Three Houses is which house you take on as your students. But even before that, you’ll have to answer a few other questio...

Each week in Destiny 2, three of the game’s Strikes are offered as challenging Nightfall Strikes. In Nightfalls, you can use a card to set challenges and up the difficulty in order to get a h...