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The first question I get from folks interested in Elder Scrolls Online is usually whether the game is free. It’s not. But it is cheap! Then they usually ask about paying for a subscription. T...

Bungie has made some significant changes to Destiny 2 with Season of the Worthy. Season 10 is a big departure from ritual weapons, but it’s also swapped up the title flow. Rather th...

E3 has taken quite a few major losses, in a literal way. Now, the latest is one of their biggest, most well-known hosts and producers: Geoff Keighley, an industry veteran of over 25 years, has chosen...

Throughout my high school years, I had my big anime awakening via Full Metal Panic!, and around the same time, I discovered and developed my love for the Ace Attorney game series. What d...

If you, like me, haven’t taken the time to grind out the Harbinger title that came alongside the release of Shadowkeep, then this guide is for you. We’ve got details on all of the triumphs, a...

With the release of Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 tips its hat to a new free model, more planets and activities, plus a whole host of quality of life improvements. Hell, there’s even a battl...

Pursuing a Culture victory in Civilization VI requires you to attract tourists from other empires. To do so, you need to give them a reason to visit your cities, something spectacular an...

I had no idea portals in time existed. I remember being a lil’ 17-year old, surfing the ‘net, looking for fun flash games to play, and would hit up the usual suspects. Newgrounds primarily, but also F...

In Death Stranding, Sam’s biggest limitation when completing deliveries is his carry capacity. There’s a limit to the amount of objects that he can carry at any one time on his back, arms, and...

Okay, so you’ve bought all these damn turnips. You’re gonna cash out, make your Bellions™, and build a million bridges. But where do you put them? You’ve spent 500k Bells on these weird apples and now...

I’ll never forget Christmas morning when I was 12 years old. I can still remember ripping the red Santa hat-adorned wrapping paper open, unsheathing the Super Nintendo inside. My screams and yelps wer...

Empyrean is a huge, new, free expansion for Warframe — the third-person action game about space ninjas duking it out across the far future. Empyrean specifically pledges to...

Give Rajang an inch, and he’ll take a mile… Then he’ll lift that mile out of the ground and beat you to death with it. No, really. This Super Saiyan great ape can literally lift the ground out from un...

There are a lot of reasons why The Great British Baking Show is one of the most beloved cooking competition shows ever to hit television. Pretty much every contestant is adorably likable, the s...

Avast, ye scurvy sea dogs! Drop the anchor and toss me a cold one because it’s time to learn all about fishing in Sea of Thieves. Added in the recent Anniversary Update, fishing offers new mech...

This week is an especially auspicious occasion for the Final Fantasy 14 Fashion Report. It’s the last weekend where you can purchase the Final Fantasy 15 event rewards for F...

Pokemon Sword and Shield are here, and I’ve been making my way through the Galar region on my quest to be the very best there ever was. One thing that’s surprised me with this installmen...

Bunny Day is upon us, and with it comes an unbelievable, untenable amount of eggs and a horrifying rabbit. Everything you’ve ever known is now an egg. Fish? No, they’re Water Eggs now. Rocks? No, Ston...

During your first few missions of Season of the Worthy, you’ll be asked to complete one of the new Seraph Tower public events. The good news, is that folks will learn pretty quickly and eventually the...

Anyone who’s played enough indie games in the last six years has likely encountered Shovel Knight in some form or fashion. Maybe they shot the breeze with him in Yooka-Laylee. Perhaps...