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Mail makes the world go ‘round. Probably. I dunno. That’s a line the pelican mailman from the old Animal Crossing games probably had, so I’m choosing to believe that it stands true in Animal...

In the Pokemon justice system, vase-based offenses are considered especially heinous.

If Emet-Selch, architect of the Ascians, whose true name is Hades was your boyfriend, you could always improve your self-esteem with the knowledge that you’re likely a better person than him. Because...

“Muscle Monkey Madness” is one of the most daunting event quests in MHW. It pits you against two Rajangs — the ultra powerful, Super Saiyan gorillas — in a single hunt. The reward can be wort...

Scout Rifles have had a rough time in Destiny 2. They’ve been outshined by just about every other weapon type out there. Faithful users have stuck around and finally been rewarded in the last...

The return of Halo: Reach has been a big one. Available on both Xbox One and PC, the 2010 title comes with some changes to the cosmetics system. Rather than simply accruing and spending credi...

The hype has been building for Animal Crossing: New Horizons for weeks. What started as a slow-moving train has transformed into a hypers...

To say Warcraft 3: Reforged is “a bit of a disappointment” would be a massive understatement. It’s buggy, under-delivers on promises, and forces custom game creators to abandon their intellec...

This article contains discussion of mental illness, self-harm, and suicide.

Pokemon Sword and Shield may be the first core Pokemon game to appear on a Nintendo home console, but it still adheres to the majority of the series’ sensibilities. For examp...

Square-Enix has sent out emails to fans who pre-ordered Final Fantasy VII Remake’s 1st Class Edition letting them know the company will be making a first attempt at charging for the $329...

The Star Wars series has always had a thing for gutting animals, from Tauntauns to Rancors very little ever survives. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is no different. In fact, you might...

More than twenty years after the first movie was released, it’s strange to recall that Austin Powers was once a staggeringly popular franchise. These days, we tend to think of the unfrozen secr...

For most of us, Animal Crossing represents a much-needed escape from our fast-paced day to day lives. In Nintendo’s idyllic series, we can take a relaxing stroll through a digital neighbourhood...

For all its creativity, the main purpose of professional wrestling has always been to part as many rubes as possible from their money. Wrestling is not compelling despite this goal, but because of it:...

The unspoken assumption at the end of 2019 is that everyone is connected all the time. The stream of personal information up and content down flows uninterrupted, without caveats. There are no bottlen...

The end of the year was a time for nerdy live-action television. The Mandalorian pleased the eternally furious Star Wars fandom before The Rise of Skywalker undid Jon Favrea...

Whether you’ve just acquired your very first Xbox, or you’ve been with the brand since MechAssault, everyone that sets foot into Microsoft’s X-based ecosystem will have to come up with an Xbo...

Coming in hot from Season of the Worthy, auto rifles continue to dominate in Destiny 2. These weapons are hugely powerful picks across any kind of activity, to the extent that they’ve crowded...

For nearly two months now, I have worked alongside my fellow Guardians to procure special supplies for Ikora’s dangerous/brilliant Vex gate project at the Tower. We have dismantled tens (if not hundre...