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In Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, flexibility is the name of the game. Your gear dictates your class in this Diablo clone, and your skills are leveled up by using them, meaning that y...

Overwatch’s annual Winter Wonderland event begins today, but the only thing you need to know is Soldier: 76 finally has an unlockable ugly Christmas sweater skin for the first week.

Our latest round of Nioh 2 tips are here to help you navigate the incredibly dense Souls-like. The over-the-shoulder action game from Koei Tecmo doesn’t hold your hand, after all! While there...

Bloons TD 6 has a large number of units and strategies to get you through a map. The choices can be daunting. Do you spend your starter cash on your Hero? Or do you rush Ninja Monkeys? Below we...

A fresh take on a classic franchise is always welcome in the world of anime. Bring in the original creators of the international craze, and you have what’s sure to be a small classic on your hands. To...

Throughout the years, Animal Crossing has brought together nearly 500 villagers from across the animal kingdom. The player’s sleepy little village hosts all sorts of different species up and...

DOOM Eternal is no joke — which is why we’ve put together these essential DOOM Eternal tips for players on all difficulty levels! The game is a good deal harder than its predecessor,...

In Civilization 6, the growth of your empire is dependent on the happiness of its citizens. Contented cities will grow faster, which provides you with a larger labor force, meaning you c...

Hot off the coattails of the wildly popular 5.1 patch, the developers of Final Fantasy XIV have been hard at work preparing for the next major patch update. The new FFXIV patch 5.2 update, called “Ech...

Life is Strange 2 does a pretty good job through most of its five episodes of not crossing the path of Sean and Daniel Diaz with that of Life is Strange stars Max Caulfield and Chloe Pri...

Baldur’s Gate III is one of the most anticipated games of not just the next generation, but also quite possibly ever. Baldur’s Gate II was released a whole two decades ago...

It’s no easy task to decide the best weapons in Monster Hunter World. The game is full of them and they’re pretty well-balanced besides! With the release of Iceborne, however, we hav...

The NHK, Japan’s national broadcasting organization, has closed out its official Final Fantasy poll with a whopping 468,654 votes. The poll surveyed for four categories: the top titles, chara...

Eva Lavante likes to act like it’s been a long time since we’ve seen her. It’s only been a month, of course, but we welcome her back regardless. This time around she’s outfitted the Tower for The Dawn...

I’m well and truly back into Destiny 2 this month, which means I’m back to grappling with the weird dissonance between the game’s lore and its mechanics. It feels like the two are a...

Happy Dawning, Guardians, and welcome back to The Vainguard, a Destiny fashion column. It’s a new season and a new event, and I can already see the styles changing in the Tower. People are actually we...

Despite the launch of Destiny 2‘s next major content patch being less than a week away, Bungie has converted its entire workforce of 600 to a work-from-home model in order to prevent the spre...

The Great Spiritvein Gem in MHW is one helluva a nuisance. You need it to augment Rarity 12 weapons and armor — raising their defense value and the number of buffs you can apply respectively....

Guardians who logged on to Destiny 2 today after the weekly reset were treated to something unexpected — a brief cutscene featuring Osiris and the Warmind Rasputin. In it, Osiris en...

You may not have managed to catch the elusive Stringfish before its departure yesterday, but the good news is there are a bunch of new bugs and fish available now! With every new month in Animal C...