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Season 14 of Apex Legends is almost halfway over, which means it’s time for another event. Dubbed “Beast of Prey,” this event not only introduces a new game mode but a bunch of cosmetics...

Summer is in full swing in the real world (if you’re in the northern hemisphere, that is). It’s probably too hot in a few places, in fact. There’s one place where it’s always the right temperature, ho...

When Peter Bramhill, the English voice actor for Thancred, reflects on the professional and personal impact Final Fantasy XIV has had on him, he recounts an experience from just earlier this ye...

The Wordle of the day returns. The specific day in question is Dec. 30, 2022. In other words, the day before New Year’s Eve! That also takes us to puzzle #559 for all folks counting (or maybe...

Máximas Matanzas — a DJ rapper duo made up of Paolo de la Vega and his girlfriend Talia Benavidez — is one of the major “factions” you recruit in Far Cry 6. Unlike the region of Valle de Oro...

Before you dive into Horizon Forbidden West, it’s crucial to know what to expect. The sequel expands on the foundation of the first game in many ways, but it also brings a couple of qual...

I have something of a long and storied history with starting No Man’s Sky: I’ve just done it for the third time in six years this past week. My first time with the game, I played on launch we...

Savathun is finally here, which means Destiny 2’s highly anticipated expansion has been released. The Witch Queen has players finally confront one of the franchis...

Here to enjoy your lazy Sunday Wordle? Well, we’ve got the hints and answer to help for October 23, 2022! If you’re trying to keep track, this latest one brings us finally to Wordle...

Time for yet another Wordle of the day! It’s Friday, July 22, 2022 and we’re solving Wordle 398 today. If you’re here having issues guessing the correct word, we’re here to help. Whe...

No matter what changes, the tank stands at the front of any part in Final Fantasy XIV. In this evening’s “Live Letter from the Producer”, FFXIV director and executive producer Naoki...

I can’t think of another person in wrestling who has had the career trajectory of Tony Schiavone. Yes, wrestling has seen a million comebacks, but this is more than a comeback. Imagine working at a ca...

Avast Guardians, Season of Plunder is here! This space pirate-themed Destiny 2 season is all about crossing blades with Fallen House of Salvation, hunting for buried treasure, and workin...

The train that is Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online simply does not stop rolling. While we know Rockstar Games is officially hard at work developing Grand Theft Auto VI, tha...

Line up for your latest Wordle of the day! Well, you don’t need to stand in line or anything. But technically you do need to line up those five tricky letters in the right order. Hence this l...

It’s your very own Wordle of the day! Well, it’s a set of Wordle hints for November 22, 2022. Plus the answer. Obviously, this isn’t the puzzle itself. However, we do bring you a bit...

It’s hard to expect a gargantuan experience such as Path of Exile to grow even bigger, but the upcoming expansion has proven me wrong once more. Path of Exile: Siege of...

It’s been a month since Endwalker launched, and Final Fantasy XIV players are still crowding into 6.0’s final zone to try and slay Chi — a FATE boss rewarding a new Stormblood

April Fool’s Day is the worst, right? You have absolutely no idea what you can believe online and no one’s elaborate joke is funny. Wait that’s a lot like every other day. Anyway! Wordle is h...

Yun Jin’s Hangout event, A Song That Knows Grace, is live in Genshin Impact Version 2.4. Together with the opera singer from Liyue, you’ll meet up with a journalist, visit a Tea House, and ta...