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Already looking to upgrade your new Grand Overture exotic machine gun? Well, we have some good news for you! Bungie has, in fact, added a catalyst alongside the release of The Witch Queen exp...

In Lost Ark, getting to level 50 should be your top priority. Not only will you unlock myriad features in your path, but you’ll also gain access to the endgame, which is where everything...

As an upstart farmer in Stardew Valley, there’s nothing like having someone with an artistic flair around to accompany your rustic taste in home decor, and Leah agrees! The wandering artist m...

Wordle #300! That’s a lot of Wordles! At least, it is if you ignore the fact that most people haven’t been around for most of them. Regardless of how long you’ve been playing, the countdown to one ful...

Season 17 of Destiny 2 is just around the corner, somehow, which means that developer Bungie has started sharing more details about what’s to come. Iron Banner in particular seems to be...

In Elden Ring, Lenne’s Rise might give more players pause than other such towers scattered throughout the game. Most mage spires give you a very simple, direct task: “Seek three wise beasts”...

The best Elden Ring talismans are incredibly hard to pin down. Out of all the gear in the game, they’re arguably the most build-dependent — the most reliant on what you want to...

During your new Destiny 2 adventures in The Witch Queen, you may stumble upon the “Of Queens and Worms” exotic quest. This is the nearly 20-step journey through which you’ll put toge...

With Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen, the doors to the Throne World are finally open. Savatun introduces herself in the latest expansion with new gear, weapons, strikes, and many other...

Sharpen your fangs and pour yourself some blood because Vampire the Masquerade Swansong is here. Diverging from the traditional RPG elements of the original and the chaotic action of Bloodhun...

We’re almost halfway through Apex Legends Season 12 and the new Warriors event has just dropped. Revolving around ancient gladiatorial-themed armor, players will have a whole bunch of ne...

Surprise: Sifu is tough as hell. If you came into the game expecting for a combat system similar to Sleeping Dogs or the Batman Arkham series, I’m sorry to be the...

We Final Fantasy XIV players are eagerly awaiting the next major update, and a Live Letter to cover it in-depth is coming soon. Though there are already details on FFXIV Patch 6...

A wise Minecraft player once said “you can never have enough inventory space.” That Minecraft player was me. For those of us who don’t have an inventory full of shulker boxes, the ne...

Elden Ring Rune farming is both the key to getting around difficult bosses and addressing a character build you regret. There’s no shortage of enemies in the Lands Between, but some clusters...

The Trials of Osiris is Destiny 2‘s hardest of the hardcore PVP mode. Only available on weekends, it pits two teams of three against one another in round-based survival combat. You might...

Destiny 2 can be an overwhelming experience for those who are either new or returning after a long hiatus. With so many updates, expansions, seasons, and items added in, one can easily f...

So you clicked, that’s a good start.

The solution to Final Fantasy XIV‘s struggling housing system may have introduced a new set of problems instead of fixes. As the first set of winning lottery numbers rolled out earlier today,...

Thavnairian Calamari is the latest FFXIV fish needed to make a tasty dish (or two or three). That is to say: you need this new catch to create the latest Item Level 590 food items as a Culina...