
Vampire Survivors Arcanas Guide - How to Unlock & Arcanas List (August 2022)

Arc enemy.

2022 hasn’t seen the last of Vampire Survivors, which continues to morph and evolve during Early Access. The latest update adds a new gameplay mechanic that presents an overwhelming potential already for those who love experimenting with builds. This guide explains how to unlock the Vampire Survivors Arcanas, as well as how they work and the full list available at the moment.

How to Unlock Arcanas in Vampire Survivors

First of all, in order to unlock the Vampire Survivors Arcanas, you’re going to need access to Gallo Tower. For this, you need to have reached level 60 during a Dairy Plant run. If you don’t have access to the Dairy Plant stage yet, play any stage with a character of your choosing until you reach level 40.

In order to unlock Arcanas in Vampire Survivors, here’s what you need to do:

  • In the Gallo Tower stage, head to the top and grab the Randomazzo item there

You can just rush your way to the Randomazzo location, but beware of freeze attacks in the area. Make sure to pick a character that can either withhold the damage or just move fast. Since you don’t need to defeat a specific enemy or reach a certain time in the stage to unlock a chest, it’s a fairly straightforward step.

Vampire Survivors Arcanas 2

Once you have the Randomazzo, the Arcanas mechanic automatically becomes available to use in all future runs.

Keep in mind that Arcanas aren’t available in the public version of the game just yet, but you can opt-in for the public beta (Windows only) by following these steps:

  • In your Steam library, right-click on Vampire Survivors on the list on the left side
  • Click Properties, and then head to Betas
  • Under “Select the beta you would like to opt into,” click None and select “public-beta – Public Beta”
  • Download the update

That’s all! Now, let’s see what this gameplay mechanic is all about.

Vampire Survivors Arcanas List and How They Work

Last updated on August 4, 2022

The Vampire Survivors Arcanas list is as follows:

  • 0 – Game Killer (defeat the boss in the Cappella Magna): Halts XP gain. XP gems turn into exploding projectiles. All treasures contain at least 3 items
  • I – Gemini (reach level 99 with Pugnala): Certain weapons come with a counterpart (Peachone, Vandalier, Phieraggi, Eight The Sparrow, Peachone, Ebony Wings, and Phiera Der Tuphello)
  • II – Twilight Requiem (reach level 99 with Dommario): Certain weapons’ projectiles generate explosions when they’re expired (Celestial Dusting, Shadow Pinion, Bone, King Bible, Unholy Vespers, Ebony Wings, Runetracerr, and Peachone)
  • III – Tragic Princess (reach level 99 with Porta): The cooldown of the related weapons is reduced when moving
  • IV – Awake (reach level 99 with Krochi): Gives +3 Revivals. Consuming a Revival gives +10% MaxHealth, +1 Armor, and +5% Might, area, Duration, and Speed
  • V – Chaos in the Dark Night (reach level 99 with Giovanna): Overall projectile Speed continuously changes between -50% and 200% over 10 seconds
  • VI – Sarabande of Healing (find the Randomazzo): Healing is doubled. Recovering HP damages nearby enemies for the same amount
  • VII – Iron Blue Will (reach level 99 with Gennaro): Listed weapon projectiles gain up to 3 bounces and pass through enemies and walls
  • VIII – Mad Groove (reach minute 31 in the Mad Forest): Every 2 minutes attracts all standard stage items, pickups, and light sources towards the character
  • X – Beginning (reach level 99 with Antonio): Related weapons get +1 Amount. The character’s main weapon and its evolution gain +3 Amount instead
  • XI – Waltz of Pearls (reach level 99 with Imelda): Listed weapon projectiles gain up to 3 bounces
  • XII – Out of Bounds (reach minute 31 in the Gallo Tower): Freezing Enemies generates explosions. Orologions are easier to find
  • XIII – Wicked Season (reach level 99 with Christine): Growth, Luck, Curse, and Greed are doubled at fixed intervals. Characters start gaining +1% of these stats every 2 levels
  • XIV – Jail of Crystal (reach level 99 with Pasqualina): Related weapons have a chance to freeze enemies
  • XV – Disco of Gold (reach minute 31 in the Inlaid Library): Picking up coin bags activates Gold Fever, which provides as many HP as gold you pick up afterward
  • XVI – Slash (reach level 99 with Lama): Enables critical hits for set weapons. Doubles overall critical damage
  • XVII – Lost & Found Painting (reach level 99 with Poppea): Overall Duration continuously changes between -50% and +200% over 10 seconds
  • XVIII – Boogaloo of Illusions (reach level 99 with Concetta): Overall Area continuously changes between -25% and +50% over 10 seconds
  • XIX – Heart of Fire (reach level 99 with Arca): Set weapon projectiles explode on impact. Light sources explode. Character explodes when damaged
  • XX – Silent Old Sanctuary (reach minute 31 in the Dairy Plant): Gives +3 Reroll, Skip, and Banish. Gives +20% Might and -8% Cooldown for each active weapon slot left empty

After you’ve gotten a hold of the Randomazzo in Vampire Survivors, you can access Arcanas at the start of every run, right after you’ve entered the stage. You can select only one Arcana at the beginning of a run, but you can have up to three at the same time. As for the other two Arcanas, you can get a random draft from Treasure Chests. As explained by the developer, “most Treasure Chests containing Arcanas are carried by bosses spawning at minute 10:00 and 20:00” of each run.

Vampire Survivors Arcanas 1

That is pretty much it for now. Arcanas have distinct effects and, while not all of them are available at the moment (the rest are being added in future patches), they’re a promising prospect and a foundation to start toying around with.

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Those are all the Vampire Survivors Arcanas available for the time being. Go forth and make heist out there!

About the Author

Diego Arguello

Featured contributor at Fanbyte focusing primarily on guides. Always procrastinating on Twitter.