
The Best Items for Each Champion in TFT Patch 9.22 - Teamfight Tactics Set 2 Guide

Itemization has a big effect on who wins each Teamfight Tactics match. Knowing is half the battle, so we previously wrote up our TFT Items Guide which explains all of the different item combinations. The other 50% of doing well is putting the right items on your best champions. In each TFT match, you’ll usually have one build-around champion that exists at the intersection of your team’s class and origin. For example, Ashe in a Glacial Rangers comp or Ahri in a Wild Sorcerers comp. This Teamfight Tactics guide will help you quickly find the best items for each champion, no matter who that might be!

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Best TFT Items

  • Guardian Angel: Put this on your tanky champions or carries to make your opponents have to kill them twice.
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Attack speed is all the rage for champions that auto attack.
  • Statikk Shiv: Shiv continues to be a good source of damage, particularly in the early game.
  • Dragon’s Claw: Magic resistance continues to be at a premium.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet: Getting the dodge is already good, but the expanding Attack Speed slow is so good.
  • Thief’s Glove: This is a value item, pure and simple. Early in the game it’s huge and it offers two items for the price of one, though they are randomized.
  • Phantom Dancer: Dodging all critical strikes can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Warmog’s Armor: Health regen is great for tankier champions that will take a bunch of hits.
  • Seraph’s Embrace: For magic users and those with powerful skills, regain Mana after a spell cast is vital to damage dealing.

Can you stack items?

Most items are stackable in Teamfight Tactics. However, there are two notable exceptions: The Phantom Dancer and Redemption. Whether you want to stack multiple of the same item or use different items to round out your champions is up to you.

TFT Best Items for Each Champion

Without further adieu, here are the best items for each champion. Just CTRL + F to quickly navigate between them!


Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Dragon’s Claw, Hextech Gunblade

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 BF Sword


  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Hextech Gunblade = BF Sword + Needlessly Large Rod


Build Priority: Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Statikk Shiv x3

You will need: 3 Recurve Bows, 3 Tears of the Goddess


  • Statikk Shiv = Recurve Bow + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Spear of Shojin x2

You will need: 2 Tears of the Goddess, 2 BF Swords, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade = Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow
  • Spear of Shojin = Tear of the Goddess + BF Sword


Build Priority: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 2 Needlessly Large Rods


  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Thornmail x2

You will need: 4 Chain Vests, 2 Giant’s Belts


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Thornmail = Chain Vest + Chain Vest


Build Priority: Jeweled Gauntlet, Hand of Justice, Infinity Edge

You will need: 3 Sparring Gloves, 1 BF Sword, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Tear of the Goddess


  • Jeweled Gauntlet = Sparring Gloves + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Hand of Justice = Sparring Gloves + Tear of the Goddess
  • Infinity Edge = BF Sword + Sparring Gloves

Dr Mundo

Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Luden’s Echo x2

You will need: 2 Chain Vests, 2 Recurve Bows, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Tear of the Goddess


  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Luden’s Echo = Needlessly Large Rod + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Spear of Shojin, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Recurve Bows, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Tear of the Goddess, 1 BF Sword, 1 Chain Vest


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade = Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow
  • Spear of Shojin = Tear of the Goddess + BF Sword
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Guardian Angel, Redemption, Dragon’s Claw

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 BF Sword, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Giant’s Belt, 1 Tear of the Goddess


  • Guardian Angel = BF Sword + Chain Vest
  • Redemption = Giant’s Belt + Tear of the Goddess
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Iceborne Gauntlet, Phantom Dancer, Dragon’s Claw

You will need: 2 Chain Vests, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Sparring Gloves, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Iceborne Gauntlet = Sparring Gloves + Chain Vest
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Seraph’s Embrace, Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge

You will need: 2 BF Swords, 2 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Negatron Cloak, 1 Sparring Gloves


  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess
  • Bloodthirster = BF Sword + Negatron Cloak
  • Infinity Edge = BF Sword + Sparring Gloves


Build Priority: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Phantom Dancer, Seraph’s Embrace

You will need: 2 Tears of the Goddess, 2 Needlessly Large Rods, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Luden’s Echo x2

You will need: 2 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Luden’s Echo = Needlessly Large Rod + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Jeweled Gauntlet, Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap

You will need: x2 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Sparring Gloves


  • Jeweled Gauntlet = Sparring Gloves + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod


Note: While Lux can have different Elements, the item set-up for her is the same for each elemental type.

Build Priority: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 2 Needlessly Large Rods


  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer,  Morellonomicon

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt


Build Priority: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Phantom Dancer, Morellonomicon

You will need: 2 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Recurve Bows, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade = Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt


Build Priority: Dragon’s Claw, Warmog’s Armor, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 2 Giant’s Belts, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow

Master Yi

Build Priority: Deathblade, Phantom Dancer, Hand of Justice

You will need: 2 BF Swords, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Sparring Gloves, 1 Tear of the Goddess


  • Deathblade = BF Sword + BF Sword
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Hand of Justice = Sparring Gloves + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Bloodthirster, Deathblade

You will need: 3 BF Swords, 1 Negatron Cloak, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade = Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow
  • Bloodthirster = BF Sword + Negatron Cloak
  • Deathblade = BF Sword + BF Sword


Build Priority: Bloodthirster, Hush, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 BF Sword, 1 Tear of the Goddess, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Bloodthirster = BF Sword + Negatron Cloak
  • Hush = Negatron Cloak + Tear of the Goddess
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Redemption, Guardian Angel, Dragon’s Claw

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Giant’s Belt, 1 Tear of the Goddess, 1 BF Sword, 1 Chain Vest


  • Redemption = Giant’s Belt + Tear of the Goddess
  • Guardian Angel = BF Sword + Chain Vest
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Hand of Justice, Infinity Blade, Deathblade

You will need: 3 BF Swords, 2 Sparring Gloves, 1 Tear of the Goddess


  • Hand of Justice = Sparring Gloves + Tear of the Goddess
  • Infinity Edge = BF Sword + Sparring Gloves
  • Deathblade = BF Sword + BF Sword


Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Dragon’s Claw, Redemption

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Giant’s Belt, 1 Tear of the Goddess


  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Redemption = Giant’s Belt + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Frozen Heart, Warmog’s Armor, Morellonomicon

You will need: x


  • Frozen Heart = Chain Vest + Tear of the Goddess
  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Runaan’s Hurricane, Hush, Sword Breaker

You will need: 3 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Tear of the Goddess, 1 Chain Vest


  • Runaan’s Hurricane = Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow
  • Hush = Negatron Cloak + Tear of the Goddess
  • Sword Breaker = Chain Vest + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Phantom Dancer, Seraph’s Embrace, Morellonomicon

You will need: 2 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess
  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt


Build Priority: Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Seraph’s Embrace, Rabadon’s Deathcap x2

You will need: x4 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Tears of the Goddess,


  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod


Build Priority: Redemption, Guardian Angel, Dragon’s Claw

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Giant’s Belt, 1 Tear of the Goddess, 1 BF Sword, 1 Chain Vest


  • Redemption = Giant’s Belt + Tear of the Goddess
  • Guardian Angel = BF Sword + Chain Vest
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Spear of Shojin x2

You will need: 2 Tears of the Goddess, 2 BF Swords, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade = Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow
  • Spear of Shojin = Tear of the Goddess + BF Sword


Build Priority: Giant Slayer, Runaan’s Hurricane, Red Buff

You will need: 2 Recurve Bows, 1 BF Sword, 1 Negatron Cloak, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Giant Slayer = BF Sword + Recurve Bow
  • Runaan’s Hurricane = Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow
  • Red Buff = Chain Vest + Giant’s Belt


Build Priority: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Luden’s Echo x2

You will need: 4 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Tears of the Goddess


  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Luden’s Echo = Needlessly Large Rod + Tear of the Goddess


Build Priority: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Runaan’s Hurricane, Giant Slayer

You will need: 3 Recurve Bows, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Negatron Cloak, 1 BF Sword


  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade = Needlessly Large Rod + Recurve Bow
  • Runaan’s Hurricane = Negatron Cloak + Recurve Bow
  • Giant Slayer = BF Sword + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Seraph’s Embrace, Spear of Shojin x2

You will need: 4 Tear of the Goddess, 2 BF Swords


  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess
  • Spear of Shojin = Tear of the Goddess + BF Sword


Build Priority: Rabadon’s Deathcap, Phantom Dancer, Dragon’s Claw

You will need: 2 Needlessly Large Rods, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Rabadon’s Deathcap = Needlessly Large Rod + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Dragon’s Claw, Hextech Gunblade, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 BF Sword, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Hextech Gunblade = BF Sword + Needlessly Large Rod
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Iceborne Gauntlet, Phantom Dancer, Dragon’s Claw

You will need: 2 Chain Vests, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Recurve Bow, 1 Sparring Gloves


  • Iceborne Gauntlet = Sparring Gloves + Chain Vest
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak


Build Priority: Warmog’s Armor, Dragon’s Claw, Phantom Dancer

You will need: 2 Giant’s Belts, 2 Negatron Cloaks, 1 Chain Vest, 1 Recurve Bow


  • Warmog’s Armor = Giant’s Belt + Giant’s Belt
  • Dragon’s Claw = Negatron Cloak + Negatron Cloak
  • Phantom Dancer = Chain Vest + Recurve Bow


Build Priority: Infinity Edge, Redemption, Guardian Angel

You will need: 2 BF Swords, 1 Sparring Gloves, 1 Giant’s Belt, 1 Tear of the Goddess, 1 Chain Vest


  • Infinity Edge = BF Sword + Sparring Gloves
  • Redemption = Giant’s Belt + Tear of the Goddess
  • Guardian Angel = BF Sword + Chain Vest


Build Priority: Morellonomicon, Seraph’s Embrace x2

You will need: 4 Tears of the Goddess, 1 Needlessly Large Rod, 1 Giant’s Belt


  • Morellonomicon = Needlessly Large Rod + Giant’s Belt
  • Seraph’s Embrace = Tear of the Goddess + Tear of the Goddess

About the Author

Elizabeth Henges

An accountant that also loves to write about video games. Find my work at http://www.gaiages.com/, or follow me on Twitter @gaiages.