
TFT Mobile Guide - How to Play Teamfight Tactics on iOS & Android

Here's how to play Teamfight Tactics on your phone right now.

Update: Riot has just announced an official Teamfight Tactics app for iOS and Android, which is expected to launch sometime during in March 2020. The upcoming mobile version is its own standalone app, meaning that normal League isn’t part of the package, but it will feature cross-play with desktop TFT. From the sound of things, all of your existing unlocks and cosmetics should come over.

Newsletter sign-ups are live on TFT‘s official website, along with pre-registration on the Google Play store — iOS App Store pre-orders are “coming soon.” We’ll update this post as more information becomes available, but until then you can still use our workaround to play Teamfight Tactics on mobile.

Original Post: Teamfight Tactics has become one of the most popular auto battler games to date. But a lot of players are wondering how, when, and if they’re able to play TFT on mobile devices. It’s currently only available on PC, of course, as part of the main League of Legends launcher. Yet developer Riot Games has never really branched out of that market before. Will the studio make a version of the game on mobile devices? Would the title even work correctly on the smaller screen? Learn about that and more in our Teamfight Tactics mobile guide!

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Is TFT Coming to Mobile Officially? – Teamfight Tactics Mobile Guide

At this time, Riot is working first and foremost on getting the PC version of Teamfight Tactics in tip-top shape. While the company has expressed interest in creating iOS and Android versions of the game, it’s not working on an official one at this time. Although you can still play TFT on a mobile device with a third-party workaround. We’ll get into that further down in this guide!

The lack of an official TFT mobile version is still unfortunate. Riot Games is actually working on a mobile version of League of Legends, which seems like a harder transition than TFT. Perhaps there are some problems with LoL mobile that is stopping Riot from moving forward with mobile porting? Or perhaps the studio just wants to take things one step at a time. For the most part, the PC version of TFT already works increasingly well. Meanwhile, with Dota Underlords already available on mobile devices, Riot may be falling behind the competition.

Teamfight Tactics Mobile Guide

How Does TFT Play on Mobile? – Teamfight Tactics Mobile Guide

Honestly, TFT mobile isn’t too different from how TFT plays on the PC. Since you click to get your Little Legend to get around, this same motion is mostly replaced by tapping or dragging your avatar around on smartphones and tablets. Using a finger may even feel better than using a mouse to some people!

Since you place Champions on the board by dragging them around, this is also a pretty straightforward translation to touchscreen mobile environment.

What may be the most difficult (for the players at least) is just keeping an eye on the action. There’s a lot going on in any given match of Teamfight Tactics. It may be hard to keep track of all that action on a smaller screen. Also, battles can just be flat-out long in TFT, and you can’t just stop in the middle of the match. That isn’t always the best for an on-the-go mobile environment. It’s also something Dota Underlords has struggled with in the past.

However, if you really want to, you can patch together a mobile version of Teamfight Tactics right now! It requires a bit of a workaround, and isn’t exactly optimal, but it is possible.

TFT Mobile Version

How to Play TFT on Mobile – Teamfight Tactics Mobile Guide

This method requires you to use Steam to stream the game to a tablet or phone. First, you need a device that’s capable of using the Steam Link app. Download it to the device of your choice and install League of Legends on your PC (both applications are free, if you don’t have them already). Most modern iOS devices can install Steam Link just fine, too, for the record.

Next, you’ll notice that Teamfight Tactics isn’t actually a Steam game — both it and League of Legends run in their own client. You need to manually add TFT to your Steam library. Head to the Steam client and click the “ADD A GAME” button in the bottom-left corner.

This will bring up a couple of options. Choose “Add a Non-Steam Game.” All the applications you have downloaded on your computer will be there in alphabetical order. Scroll down to the League of Legends launcher and click on “Add Selected Programs” to add the game to Steam.

Now open the Steam Link app on your chosen device and search for your computer. The option to do so should appear automatically if your device is connected to the same network as your PC. Link them up by entering the four-digit code that appears in the Steam Link app! Now you should be able to play Teamfight Tactics (and even League of Legends) on mobile, by selecting the application from your list of Steam games.

However, the touch controls are a little weird. For example, you need to double-tap to right-click, which might make it a little hard to move around. You can change the controls by changing the control layout to whatever works best for you.

You can also use this method to play Teamfight Tactics on a laptop without a lot of processing power. Since you’re streaming the game, most of the processing is handled by the computer where TFT is installed. All the device needs to be able to do is hold a decent connection to play. In either case, it helps a great deal if you’re using wired connections on the same network.

While this does provide a temporary solution to the TFT mobile issue, it’s far from foolproof. You probably shouldn’t expect to play as well when streaming TFT to a mobile device compared to playing from a computer. This is more of a solution for those who want to play the game but not be tethered to their desktop.

About the Author

Elizabeth Henges

An accountant that also loves to write about video games. Find my work at http://www.gaiages.com/, or follow me on Twitter @gaiages.