Where there are elements, there are weaknesses, and the world of Temtem is no different. Each and every Temtem out there fits into one or two of the twelve different type categories; Fire, Wind, Electric, that sort of thing. The amount of damage you can inflict on an opponent is calculated against many different stats and parameters. One of the biggest influences in how much damage you can shave off your opponent’s health bar in a single blow is the effectiveness of that technique’s type against the type of the defending target.
Fire beats Water, Wind beats Earth, etc. It’s a mechanic we’re all more or less familiar with through other RPGs. And while Temtem doesn’t really alter the status-quo, it does rename some traditional RPG types, making it necessary to break old habits and learn some new match-ups. To do just that, we’re going to detail Temtem types and weaknesses to help you get the most out of your Temtem and make a conscious effort to not get your Pigepic destroyed by a Ganki.
Temtem Types: All 12 Temtem Elements
There are 12 currently-known Temtem types. An individual Temtem can be part of any two of these at most, but dual-type Temtem are moderately rare—at least in Early Access. Current Temtem types available in the game are as follows:
- Fire
- Nature
- Water
- Electric
- Mental
- Earth
- Wind
- Crystal
- Digital
- Melee
- Toxic
Familiar elements like Fire, Electric, and Water are easy to figure out when it comes to how they interact with each other in Temtem, but the inclusion of more unique typings like Crystal and Digital makes using knowledge from games like Pokemon less reliable. The type wheel does not illustrate which Temtem elements are strong or weak against the other.
Temtem Type Weakness Chart
For when common knowledge doesn’t cut it on the battlefield, the Temtem type chart can be a godsend. The game presents this to you in a tiny tip window in the heat of battle early on your adventure, but there’s no way to refer back to it easily mid-match. Not within the game, at least.
With so many similar weakness charts occupying avid RPG player’s heads already, memorizing Temtem type weaknesses can be a tall order. It helps to try and make sense of common match-ups and how they’d react in the real-world – like Digital types being weak to Electric or Water, Toxic contaminating Water, or Earth canceling out Electric, but not all of them make that kind of sense.
Temtem Damage Type Modifiers
Temtem likes to keep things simple and somewhat traditional when it comes to type advantages. Skill trumps luck in the Archipelago, so it makes sense to have strict and static damage modifiers. Strategies can’t be thrown out of the window by a stroke of bad luck, and with enough knowledge of the game, you can read it like a chessboard, knowing exactly what’s possible and how you can counter it going forward.
Damage modifiers apply when the type of your attack reacts with a Temtem’s stronger or weaker element. If you strike a weakness, your attack will deal 2x (double) damage, for example. If your attack is resisted by the opposing type, you’ll deal 0.5x (half) damage, and if your target happens to have two types that are both weak or strong to your attack, you’ll deal 4x (quadruple) or 0.25x damage respectively. Easy enough, right
The key to knocking out your opponent quickly is relying on type advantages. Hitting a weak spot can deal more damage than if you spend 2-3 turns buffing your own Attack. It saves turns and, more importantly, stamina, and is a skill you’ll absolutely need to master to become a half-decent competitive Temtem tamer.