Nothing is more important than a PUBG Mobile chicken dinner. Especially with a new season. It’s warm, filling, and chock full of the protein and vegetable vitamin goodness that fuels our attempts to get another. But when a slight graphical stutter or hideously low frame rate gets in the way of securing the glorious meal of champions, there’s little worse. It’s time to tame those graphical anomalies and increase your PUBG Mobile FPS with this PUBG Mobile 60FPS optimal graphics guide.
Tencent understands why we want graphics options in our games. They allow us to strike that delicate balance between looks and performance. Being a competitive game, it’s generally recommended that you never think of PUBG Mobile as a “pretty” game. You go in there to win, not to enjoy the scenery. And your graphics settings should reflect that want for raw performance.
PUBG Mobile “Graphics” Settings Differences
Changing PUBG Mobile graphics settings won’t give you a competitive edge. Not in the way you might think, anyway.
It’s true that in the early days of PUBG it was possible to spot players hiding in bushes by dialing back the settings and culling that pesky bush from existence, but after nipping that particular design flaw in the bud, PUBG Mobile’s numerous graphics options won’t ever reduce or increase draw distance (how far you can see). Instead, it’s more about altering the distance in which low-res assets are swapped out for better quality stuff, adding shadows for realism, and improving the overall lighting effects. Nothing that will help you spot a target before they spot you.
What these settings can do is more closely synchronize the speed of the game to your reactions. While we’ll be going on about how you should set your Graphics to “Smooth” and Frame Rate to “Ultra” no matter what device you’re on, we took screenshots of the game running on “Smooth” and “HDR” through a high-end PC using the Tencent Gaming Buddy emulator to demonstrate how these two extremes compare.
The image looks sharper and crisper as you increase the quality, with shadows being added and lighting being improved, but object render distance stays the same regardless. Turning off anti-aliasing can reduce random stutters and increase overall performance, but shouldn’t have a massive effect on high-end phones. That being said, some players swear that distant moving objects (like players) can be easier to spot with anti-aliasing turned off as the rough jagged edges can stand out.
PUBG Mobile “Frame Rate” Settings
Even with the Graphics settings pushed down to low, you might hit the FPS limit imposed by the Frame Rate setting on the same menu. The list below details the maximum FPS allowed by each setting. You’ll want to aim for 60FPS for that silky smooth experience, but Ultra or High can feel just fine depending on your gaming background.
- Low: 20
- Medium: 25
- High: 30
- Ultra: 40
- Extreme: 60
Professional gamers will tell you how much reaction speed comes into play, and a low framerate is a bottleneck – something that limits their natural ability to play. 60FPS and above is the dream, but most phones, outside of gaming-specific phones like the ASUS ROG and Razer line of devices, can’t even display more than 60FPS due to their 60Hz screens being incapable of refreshing the on-screen image faster than 60 times per second. So unless you’re running something purpose-built for gaming, you’ll want to aim for that 60 FPS cap.
PUBG Mobile 60FPS Settings
With both of these option categories defined and explained, there’s little more to be said than to go low and high at the same time.
Whether you’re running this year’s flagship devices or a 4-year-old hand-me-down, setting PUBG Mobile to “Smooth” graphics and “Ultra” frame rate should net you the best performance you can get. Without turning to more drastic measures, that is. Turning off anti-aliasing should limit any annoying stutters, too, with the lessened burden on your device helping stave off thermal throttling for longer, and keep your battery from draining too fast.
If you want to see exactly how well your game is running, a tool like GameBench on Android can manage that. Just be prepared for a bit of tinkering to set it up – something we’ll detail in a future guide. And if even these settings can’t net you the performance you want, you might want to look into using something like GFX Tool. Just don’t blame us if you get banned for using it.
Disclaimer: Fanbyte is owned by Tencent, which also runs Tencent Games, developer and publisher of PUBG Mobile. Tencent also subsidizes much of Fanbyte’s PUBG Mobile coverage by covering freelancer budget costs. Those covering PUBG Mobile for the site have no contact with Tencent, however, and are given complete creative control to write whatever they wish.