Elden Ring bites back with Ancient Dragon Lansseax: an extremely powerful lightning dragon found across multiple locations. Though for many, the hardest part of this boss battle is simply finding the beast at all. Luckily, it’s not too hard once you know where to look. So let’s move on with our Ancient Dragon Lansseax guide to Elden Ring!
The easiest route to Lansseax is through Liurnia. Simply follow the lake as far north as you can possibly go — through a watery canyon that eventually terminates in a massive collection of scaffolding built into a mountain wall. The Site of Grace here is called the Ravine-Veiled Village; it leads up into the Ruin-Strewn Precipice. The basic enemies here are nothing to write home about. However, the Magma Wyrm boss at the end may give you more trouble. If you met and saved the NPC named Millicent back in Caelid, you can summon her here for help. Otherwise, if you can’t even beat the Magma Wyrm yet, you probably don’t stand a chance against Lansseax. It might be best to leave and come back!
Past this boss is a Site of Grace called Abandoned Coffin. This is a relatively midgame zone technically categorized as part of the Altus Plateau. Though you’ll find it’s more like a secluded gateway to the plateau than a proper part of the region. And if this is a gate, then Lansseax is the gatekeeper. Follow the road leading northeast (through some hard-hitting Omens and broken-down caravans) and Ancient Dragon Lansseax will appear. Literally. They swoop down from the sky to block your path into the rest of the Altus Plateau.
Normally, you would simply ride past him on Torrent. That’s not why we’re here. We want a fight. Just be prepared for a potentially very short one.
Lansseax isn’t actually much more difficult to kill than any other dragon in Elden Ring. They just hit like a submarine dropped out of a hot air balloon. Your margin for error is naturally slight as a result. The general rules for getting up and doing damage, however, remain the same. Try to ride up close on Torrent and slash at their lizard legs. Alternatively, you can jump off Torrent when you’re close to allow for charged attacks and easier charging. Just be ready to mount up again at a moment’s notice. It’s incredibly difficult to avoid Lansseax’s lightning attacks on foot.
The most dangerous attack to watch for is highly telegraphed; that doesn’t make it much easier to avoid. Lansseax will rise up on hind legs and summon a bolt of lightning like a spear. Then the dragon sweeps it across the ground for what can easily be a one-hit-kill. The best ways to avoid this are by getting very far away or getting very close. Riding away from Lansseax may give you the distance necessary to avoid the sweep. Riding toward Lansseax should hopefully put you underneath him and under the lightning’s range. It takes practice and guesswork to know which is best. Luckily, you don’t need to do it for long.
Lansseax will leave this area once you get them down to about 90 percent health. This is a permanent change (referring to both the disappearance and the damage dealt). The creature doesn’t really indicate where it will spawn next, sadly. So much so that many players believe this escape to be some kind of Elden Ring bug. But no, Lansseax has just moved deeper into the Altus Plateau. Way deeper.
Your true boss battle with the dragon can’t occur until you’re practically outside the walls of Leyndell: the capital city of the Lands Between. They appear in an unlabeled section of the map just west of the city walls. To get there, you actually need to traverse almost all the way north in the Altus Plateau region. You can follow the road almost all the way north. If and when you get stopped by the broken Forest-Spanning Greatbridge, just hop down the ruins into the Minor Erdtree forest below and keep going north until you reach the new path out. Start curving down the road southeast of the Windmill Village. The route will finally fork in two: one leads directly east to Leyndell while other tilts south. Follow the southern road all the way to the Rampartside Path Site of Grace. Follow the road west, just a bit further, and then U-turn up the hill into the forest.
You’ll know you’re on the right path pretty quickly. This hill is under constant assault by lightning strikes. It causes Fulgurblooms to grow and lightning-infused sheep to spawn. At the top of the stormy hill Lansseax will finally swoop down again. The dragon retains whatever damage you did back down the mountain, but now you have to shave off the rest of their health bar. Otherwise, most of the same rules apply.
Now that you have more room to run around, a bow with poisoned arrows can be quite helpful. This lets you keep your distance and keep dealing damage. Lansseax is fairly easy to poison, so that’s even more free pain to dish out. Aim for the head while you’re at it. It’s targetable with your lock-on and arrows will deal more damage for every headshot.
Another useful element of this area is the cliffs surrounding it. There’s enough room for Torrent to actually jump off the cliff and land on crags to the side. Then you can platform your way back up onto the hill where Lansseax is waiting. This makes dodging the dragon’s ultimate lightning sweep much, much easier. Though it requires some luck and skill to land on the right part of the cliffside. You might want to do some recon first.
One last quirk of this fight is how Lansseax respawns. For whatever reason, the dragon doesn’t reappear when you die and come back. Maybe it’s a bug; maybe it’s intentional. Either way, you need to actually rest at a Site of Grace to reset the battle. Then ride all the way back up to the unmarked spot to try again.
If you win, you’ll get Lansseax’s lightning spear as an incantation. It costs 40 Faith to wield. Obviously, though, it might just be worth the hefty investment. You probably know by this point how deadly that attack can be. You’ll also get a Dragon Heart for use at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion. Don’t forget to check there for new incantations whenever you slay a dragon in Elden Ring!