
Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose Guide - Sumeru Rose Locations, Uses

Where to find the Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose locations and its uses.

The Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose is one of the latest materials to arrive in the game, and since it’s a material that you can’t find in NPC shops, it’s best to try and secure farming routes to make the most out of your ventures in the wild. The 3.0 update of the ever-increasing RPG has brought upon dozens of new additions, but not everything is going to be laid out and explained from the get-go. This guide dives into the Sumeru Rose locations, how to harvest it, as well as the uses for the material around your characters.

If you’re on the lookout for more materials, we have guides covering Kalpalata, Rukkhashava, Padisarah, Harra Fruit, Zaytun Peach, Viparyas, Sumeru Rose, and Nilotpala.

Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose Locations – Where to Find the Sumeru Rose

If you’re looking to harvest Sumeru Rose, you’re in luck, as there are several locations to pick from. Sumeru Rose is usually found on the ground as it’s a fairly standard plant, and honestly, it’s pretty much everywhere if you know where to look.

Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose 1
Credit to https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/

You can find Sumeru Rose in the following locations:

  • All around Vanarana and its outskirts towards Old Vanarana and Vissudha Field
  • Both north and east of Avidya Forest
  • Around Vissudha Field — east, west, southwest, and all the way south
  • All around Ashavan Realm as well
  • Devantaka Mountain and Vimara Village have plenty of Sumeru Roses around
  • Northwest of Port Ormos
  • West of Tiangong Gorge
  • East of Chinvat Ravine
  • Southwest of Mawtiyima Forest
  • Around Alcazarzaray 

In order to harvest it, all you need to do is approach the material and interact with it. It’s a fairly simple task, as you don’t have to swim or climb around surfaces for this material.

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Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose Uses

If you’re wondering what are the uses for the Sumeru Rose, well, there are quite a few of them, which you can find below:

  • You can Sumeru Rose to craft the Dendrocide Potion, alongside 100 Mora and 1 Crystal Core
  • You can use Sumeru Rose to craft the Forest Essential Oil, alongside 1 Lizard Tail and 100 Mora
  • You can use Sumeru Rose to craft Sugardew Bait x10, alongside 1 Harra Fruit
  • You can use Sumeru Rose to cook Lambad Fish Roll, alongside 1 Fish
  • You can use Sumeru Rose to cook Selva Salada, alongside 2 Minta and 2 Zaytun Peach

That is all you need to know about the Genshin Impact Sumeru Rose material for the time being. Best of luck gathering it, and remember to make those recipes while you’re at it, as they’re sure to come in handy!

About the Author

Diego Arguello

Featured contributor at Fanbyte focusing primarily on guides. Always procrastinating on Twitter.