
Genshin Impact Qingxin Guide – Qingxin Flower Location & Uses

If you haven’t exactly been harvesting every piece of Qingxin you come across, you’d be forgiven. After all, the only there are only two characters who use it for ascension. If you’re experienced with Genshin Impact, chances are you already know exactly why you’re looking for Qingxin. For those of you who don’t, it’s one of the many materials you need to collect in order to make your characters stronger and stronger. Used in Xiao’s and Ganyu’s ascension this item is absolutely crucial for anyone who wants to use either character in their party. Here’s where to find Qingxin, how to harvest it, and what items it’s currently used for.

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Where to Find the Qingxin

If you’re looking to farm Qingxin you, thankfully, have a few locations to check out. You can find about 15 near Qingce Village which is the most tightly packed area. Outside of that, however, you’re going to need to do a significant amount of vertical traversal around the Huaguang Stone Forest, Qingyun Peak, and Jueyun Karst. If this area isn’t unlocked on your map just yet, don’t worry, keep playing the story and eventually you’ll be asked to make the trek south to Liyue. The earliest location you can collect these is Qingce Village.

Remember, the flowers will refresh around every two to three real-world days. Because of this, I recommend hitting both areas. This will maximize your farm, reducing the amount of time spent waiting for them to respawn.

I give all the credit in the world to those behind this superb interactive Genshin Impact map below.

Credit: https://mapgenie.io/genshin-impact/maps/teyvat

Qingxin Uses

At the time of publishing, Qingxin is primarily used for character ascensions. Right now, Ganyu is the only one who will be using this, but at some point Xiao will join her. If you really want to, you can also use them to cook Tianshu Meat which increases physical damage and critical rate.

It takes 168 Qingxin to reach Ascension 6 for a single character, so I recommend you start farming early. Even if you don’t have Ganyu or Xiao right now, there’s always a chance you could pick one of them up later down the road. That’s a whopping 336 Qingxin in total.

It is possible that the Qingxin will become more universally useful once another region releases. We will update our guide with any new information or if changes are made to this crafting material.

While we don’t yet have a guide for Xiao, stay tuned! You can find our primer on the Cryo Bow user Ganyu here. We’re always working on our Genshin Impact coverage and will have much more to come in the coming weeks and months!

Have your own farming tips such as character recommendations or optimal routes? Make sure to share them in the comments below for other players!

About the Author

Dillon Skiffington

Dillon is the Senior Game Guides Editor at Fanbyte. He's been writing about video games for 15 years and has thousands of hours logged in FFXIV and hundreds of hours in Destiny 2.