
How to Get the Buddy Godzilla and Buddy Kong Pets in PUBG Mobile

Giant monsters might be the name of the game in the new PUBG Mobile 1.4 update, but there’s more to it than scary beasts the size of a New York skyscraper. While Godzilla, Kong, and Mechagodzilla smash apart our favorite maps this month, we can unlock new in-game pets to commemorate the collaborative event. It’s a wild and wacky world inside this game’s menus, so the road to your own little buddy isn’t as clear as it could be. Here’s how to get the Buddy Godzilla and Buddy Kong pets in PUBG Mobile during the Hola Buddy event.

Hola Buddy PUBG Mobile prized

How to Get the Buddy Godzilla & Buddy Kong Pets in PUBG Mobile

If you’d logged in before the 1.4 update, you might have noticed the Buddy Reunion event on the main lobby UI carousel. While its Tamagotchi-style design didn’t do much to instill confidence in the upcoming gritty Godzilla vs Kong event, it does tie in with the cutesy Hola Buddy event. Take part and you’ll earn UC discounts for the new event by finding “clues” hidden around its two “territory” screens each day, making getting your eventual buddy just that little bit cheaper. And we mean a little bit.

If the mention of UC has you feeling nervous by now, it should. Despite the bit of fun the Godzilla vs Kong event should be, getting your own permanent piece of memorabilia is going to cost you: how much exactly depends on luck, as is typically the case with PUBG Mobile.

To unlock the Buddy Godzilla and Buddy Kong pets in PUBG Mobile, start by tapping the Hola Buddy event banner on the top-right carousel on the Lobby UI. If you hear the lively and tropical steel pan music, you know you’re in the right place. From here, it’s simply a matter of pumping UC into the glorified roulette wheel with one of the two bottom buttons. The leftmost button performs a single pull (discounted once per day), leaving the rightmost button to draw 10 pulls at the standard price.

The character prizes are split across the left and right wheels, but the default pull will include both prize pools. To up your chances of receiving either pet, tap the button just above the central radar graphic to switch between the Godzilla or Kong prize pools exclusively. Each pull will be a little bit more expensive to compensate, but you could end up spending quite a bit less by removing half of the potential prizes from the pool this way.

Hola Buddy event prize pool toggle

How to Get Titan Coins for the Hola Buddy PUBG Mobile Event

If you know exactly which item you’re after but don’t like your chances of earning it with a random roll, there’s hope yet. Titan Coins can be redeemed for just about any prize in the Hola Buddy pool by tapping the Titan Coin icon on the right side of the event screen. Just like a ticket exchange at the arcade, you can swap Titan Coins gained through wheel spins for a prize of your choice. To increase the amount of Titan Coins you can earn with each pull, limit the prize pool to either the Godzilla or Kong side and you’ll notice the Titan Coin reward in the corresponding box go up. Pull 120 times to claim 120 Titan Coins from the final progress bar on the left.

How to Get Guaranteed Items From the Hola Buddy Event

Aside from spending the pile of Titan Coins you’ll most likely accumulate while pulling for things like the Godzilla buddy or Kong suit, there are a few guaranteed items you can get as you play. By pulling 20, 50, and 120 times over the course of the event, you can claim a Premium Crate Coupon, Legendary Scythe – Sickle, and a massive 1200 Titan Coins respectively through the Progress bar on the left of the event page.

Note: The Hola Buddy event ends May 31. Any Titan Coins not used by then will be removed from the game.

Disclaimer: Fanbyte is owned by Tencent, which also runs Tencent Games, developer and publisher of PUBG Mobile. Tencent also subsidizes much of Fanbyte’s PUBG Mobile coverage by covering freelancer budget costs. Those covering PUBG Mobile for the site have no contact with Tencent, however, and are given complete creative control to write whatever they wish.

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