Season of Plunder has added a set of pirate-themed Eliksni weapons to Destiny 2, and one of the most fun is Brigand’s Law. This sidearm comes with a bunch of neat perks, is craftable, and as an Arc weapon pairs great with the Arc 3.0 subclasses.
How to Get Brigand’s Law in Destiny 2
Brigand’s Law drops as a reward from seasonal activities — Expedition and Ketchcrash. You can also focus it at the Star Chart, and if you collect enough Deepsight drops of it, you’ll be able to craft one yourself.
Brigand’s Law God Rolls
Brigand’s Law PVE God Roll
- Fluted Barrel or Smallbore
- Accurized Rounds
- Threat Detector or Pugilist
- Swashbuckler or Voltshot
As a 450 RPM sidearm, Brigand’s Law works kind of like a mini-SMG. While sidearms aren’t ideal in serious content, for basic add clear Brigand’s Law is a lot of fun.There are just so many great perks on it that it’s hard to go wrong. Pugilist and Swashbuckler is a fantastic roll for a melee-focused build, since Brigand’s Law also gets a boost to range and target acquisition from its Origin Trait. Voltshot is an incredible perk for wiping out red bars, too. In addition to the perks I’ve listed, other combos that are worth playing around with are Threat Detector/Surrounded, Feeding Frenzy/Swashbuckler, and Pugilist/Demolitionist.
Brigand’s Law PVP God Roll
- Arrowhead Brake
- Accurized Rounds
- Perpetual Motion
- Voltshot or Swashbuckler
Is Brigand’s Law going to do great work for you in the Crucible? Probably not, but sidearm fans might enjoy using it. The low range is going to be a problem here, so it works best as a backup to a sniper rifle, giving you some coverage in close-quarters situations. With Right Hook, Brigand’s Law plays nicely with Celestial Fire and other melee abilities, and Swashbuckler will help you benefit further from melee kills.
That’s about it for Brigand’s Law. Be sure to check out our other god roll guides for Destiny 2.