Materials in Final Fantasy XIV
A database of all materials in Final Fantasy XIV. Most of these are ingredients that Disciples of the Hand use in their crafting efforts, but some like the Airships and Submersibles are parts of a Free Company system. Whether you're into Island Sanctuary, Gathering, or Crafting, you'll find those FFXIV materials here.
Popular Materials
Item | Item Lv | Req. Lv |
Splendid Amber | 260 | 1 |
Splendid Black Rock | 300 | 1 |
Splendid Chalcanthite | 275 | 1 |
Splendid Dense Iron Ore | 300 | 1 |
Splendid Flint Stone | 260 | 1 |
Splendid Graphite | 290 | 1 |
Splendid Gravel | 290 | 1 |
Splendid Holey Stone | 290 | 1 |
Splendid Iron Ore | 260 | 1 |
Splendid Purple Pigment | 275 | 1 |
Splendid Slate | 260 | 1 |
Splendid Stone | 300 | 1 |
Spodumene | 640 | 1 |
Star Quartz | 545 | 1 |
Star Ruby | 139 | 1 |
Star Sapphire | 136 | 1 |
Star Spinel | 273 | 1 |
Steppe Cinnabar | 148 | 1 |
Steppe Clay | 145 | 1 |
Steppe Coal | 142 | 1 |
Steppe Copper Ore | 142 | 1 |
Steppe Geode | 145 | 1 |
Steppe Iron Ore | 148 | 1 |
Steppe Jade | 148 | 1 |
Steppe Mica | 142 | 1 |
Steppe Mudstone Whetstone | 150 | 1 |
Steppe Obsidian | 150 | 1 |
Steppe Slab | 150 | 1 |
Steppe Soapstone | 145 | 1 |
Steppe Whetstone | 145 | 1 |