In Final Fantasy XIV, the Sightseeing Log is side content that sees players solve puzzles and riddles to find unique vistas showcasing the beauty and majesty of the MMO world. First introduced in A Realm Reborn, the Sightseeing Log has undergone some changes over the subsequent expansions, simplifying it to the form it is today.
There are currently 295 total Sightseeing locations in the Sightseeing log. There are 80 for A Realm Reborn, 62 for Heavensward and Stormblood, 45 in Shadowbringers, and 46 in Endwalker. It’s expected around 45 more will be added in Dawntrail’s Sightseeing log.
FFXIV Sightseeing Log Basics

The Sightseeing log is unlocked by completing the quest "A Sight to Behold", by talking to Naoh Gamduhla in New Gridania (X: 11.8, Y: 13.4). This quest unlocks after the Main Story Quest Slyth-management. You can open your Sightseeing Log by heading to the Menu, and under logs, selecting Sightseeing Log. The Sightseeing Log can be placed on a hotbar.
To complete a Sightseeing Log entry, head to where you believe the location is and type /lookout or another emote, depending on the occasion. In later expansions, these are signified by round shimmering balls of light called Vistas. You’ll receive a notification in your chat box when you arrive at a vista.
Once you complete the required action at the sightseeing location it will be recorded in your Sightseeing Log, and you’ll receive job experience at the level based on the expansions the sightseeing location is from.
ARR Sightseeing Log
To complete ARR Sightseeing Logs, you’ll need to head to the location hinted in the log, and use the correct emote. The emote is often /lookout, but not always. The sightseeing location will only be available during certain times of the day (Eorzean time) and only during certain weather types. As a result it’s actually rather difficult to complete these logs. The best advice, is to use a external tool such as Sightseeing Log Helper, which will update the times and locations to tell you if you can complete the Sightseeing Log entry.
To unlock the full 80 Sightseeing Logs for A Realm Reborn, you’ll first need to complete the initial 20. After you’ve completed those, the remaining 60 can be unlocked by talking to Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X: 10.7, Y: 6.0).
FFXIV Expansion Sightseeing Logs
Following ARR, the Sightseeing Log was somewhat simplified. In Heavensward onwards, there are now vistas which are a visual representation of the Sightseeing location. They also have no weather requirements, although some have time requirements (usually day or night). From Shadowbringers on there are no time requirements.
Each new expansions’ Sightseeing log needs to be unlocked from a new NPC. Here’s where to unlock them all:
- Heavensward
- Kester Ironheart in The Dravanian Forelands (X:32.6, Y:23.2).
- Stormblood
- Ulger Ironheart in Rhalgr's Reach (X:10.5, Y:13)
- Shadowbringers
- Eirlalth in The Crystarium (X:9.5, Y:9.7)
- Endwalker
- Babeth Ironheart in Old Sharlayan (X:13.4, Y:16.8)