Greasy Luck

this will not reach you
anything a knife writes would never
but no more speaking
that time is over
Im sorry
I see the waves
I see the ship
the sky is filled with shadow
I love you
I love you
Im alone
what hurts me
is you are too
Haft Slot

Lightweight Emitter
Weight reduction for better agility. • Increases reload speed • Slightly increases handling speed • Decreases shield duration

Auxiliary Reserves
Additional energy storage. • Greatly increases shield duration • Decreases reload speed

Low-Impedance Windings
Improved output efficiency. • Increases shield duration • Slightly increases reload speed • Decreases range

Tempered Truss Rod
High stiffness for quick handling. • Greatly increases handling speed • Slightly decreases reload speed • Slightly decreases range

Supercooled Accelerator
Optimized for extended range. • Increases range • Slightly decreases reload speed • Slightly decreases handling speed

Ballistic Tuning
Power diverted from shield. • Greatly increases range • Decreases shield duration