Destiny 2 Guides

If you wanna be a cowboy, baby, then a hand cannon is probably your weapon of choice in Destiny 2. There are a lot to choose from, so here are our picks for the 10 best Destiny 2 <...

In Destiny 2’s Season of the Witch, you get to build decks of tarot-style cards that influence your encounters in Savathun’s Spire and Altars of Summoning. Your Deck of Whispers is a collection...

Solo players can accomplish all sorts of objectives in Destiny 2, but competitive PVP and endgame PVE often call for communication and more firepower. Outside of your friend list and clanmates,...

The Destiny 2 Exotic weapons are some of the coolest, most powerful guns in the game. But did you know you can make them even better? With an Exotic catalyst, an Exotic weapon evolves and...

During the Destiny 2: The Final Shape showcase, Bungie detailed much about the upcoming expansion story, location, Exotics, and new abilities. The developer revealed that The Fin...

There's a new bug in Destiny 2 that lets you craft Legendary weapons with Exotic traits or other Legendary weapon archetypes. One of the most popular combinations is creating a god roll Ammit A...

To get Destiny 2’s version of the Necrochasm Exotic auto rifle, players must collect Essence of the Oversoul in the Crota’s End raid. Steps in the Bottomless Pit raid quest — which you can grab...

Vault of Glass, the first ever Destiny raid, has returned to Destiny 2. In this guide, we’ll list all of the available weapons and armor you can earn from the Vault of Glass redux includ...

The Destiny 2 meta is in a very interesting place right now. A year ago, nobody would have guessed that auto rifles would dominate the Crucible or that a sword, of all things, would be the...

Bungie announced that a new seasonal format, called Episodes, will roll out during The Final Shape expansion. The Destiny 2 showcase revealed that with the launch of the upcomi...

Bungie’s showcase for Destiny 2: The Final Shape — set to release on February 27, 2024 — had a lot in store for players from new stories, locations, Supers, Aspects, and enemy types. Along...

Destiny 2’s sandbox is constantly changing with new buffs, nerfs, Exotic armor pieces, aspects, and in the case of the Destiny 2: Lightfall expansion, a brand-new subclass. It can b...

Looking for quick and easy access to some new Destiny 2 builds? There are a whole lot of options to choose from whether you're playing Hunter, Titan, or Warlock. In Season of the Witch we're re...

Bungie's buff to the Hunter Foetracer helmet in Destiny 2's Season of the Witch means the armor piece has quickly risen from one of Hunters' most underutilized Exotics to one of the best i...

Shuro Chi might be the most multi-purpose boss fight in Destiny history, and even if you haven’t completed this Last Wish raid encounter, you may have played it to farm kills since the uninterr...

The Hive theme of Season of the Witch centers around Eris Morn, and her story would be incomplete if it didn't include the Crota's End raid from Destiny 1.

Every time a new season comes in Destiny 2, it brings sandbox changes, new seasonal mods, and new Exotics for each class. Season of the Witch has all three of those things, alongside brand...

It isn't a new Destiny 2 season without a swath of new weapons, but Season of the Witch blesses Guardians with the all-new Eremite Solar High-Impact Frame fusion rifle. The weapo...

Destiny 2’s newest raid is live, so it’s time to start farming this activity’s unique weapons and armor. Unlike previous raids, the Deep Stone Crypt’s weapons can roll with perks that are exc...

Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is here and it’s time to elevate your fashion game. Along with new weapons, a 6 player activity, armor, story missions, and season pass, the heavily requested...