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When scrolling through YouTube searching for game development tutorials, you’ll likely find yourself overwhelmed by the options available. There’s plenty to rifle through, but a lot of what you’ll enc...

Age of Empires is a franchise dominated by its second installment. The first game is generally considered too dated, III too odd, and Mythology too far removed from th...

Dreams at its core is a blank canvas. With its wide range of tools, players can express their creativity in whatever way they see fit. They might want to build a 1:1 recreation of their favouri...

Why do we reboot popular media? Of course, there’s a financial motivation — this thing did well, so we’ll try it again, and wring millions of dollars out of consumers’ nostalgia for Batman or wha...

Despite its troubled launch and ongoing issues, Fallout 76 has managed to develop a passionate community of fans and players. From murder mystery nights to fight clubs, there’s alwa...

As someone who grew up with The Sims and has lost weeks, if not months, of my life to it and its many sequels, I have always been amazed at the creativity of the series’ fans. Whether it’s crea...

Far Cry 5 didn’t make many end-of-the-year lists, but the game wasn’t an abject failure. It changed aspects of the tired gameplay formula for the better. It gave players more opportunities to...

I’m not sure what to expect when I show up to Milo’s Yard on a brisk Tuesday evening in early January. The little neighborhood bar looks like many in the area, but tonight there’s something special ha...

Destiny lore is a deep, dark world with branching pathways and incredible stories. For the majority of the franchise, the lore has been left to books and Grimoire cards — out-of-game sni...

Hey Freelancers! Anthem has arrived to fly your butt all over its lush world. While the game is a visual juggernaut, we asked ourselves what the game would be like if it had been made in...