Kris Ligman

Kris Ligman





Death Stranding will be an action game, not horror

Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding trailer was suitably weird — but it didn’t show a single frame of actual gameplay. Some believed that Norman Reedus’s appearance was a hint this was a continuat...

Catch Bethesda's E3 press conference here!

Bethesda’s E3 presser kicks off in less than an hour. We’re expecting to see several announcements, just like EA’s earlier today. Will we see more Dishonored 2, perhaps the next wave of F...

Blizzard 'holds onto hope' of launching WoW legacy servers

In a new interview with Kotaku today, Blizzard game chief Tom Chilton expanded on comments by a Nostalrius server manager on the challenges of running official World of Warcraft legacy server...

It's a complete bloodbath for Overwatch cheaters right now

Following a successful beta, Blizzard promised that it would be going hard on Overwatch cheaters. Turns out those were no empty words: just a week out from launch, the publisher has already m...

You can now enjoy the wonderful world of Fallout 4 mods on Xbox One

One of the great advantages to playing Bethesda games on PC is the ability to mod the living hell out of them: better menu layouts, prettier environment textures, replacing Dogmeat with a woofing cat…...

Overwatch's newest animated short channels some amazing East Asian influences

Hey, remember when Valve was putting out Pixar-ish animated shorts for Team Fortress 2, and everyone went “that’s a great idea, it introduces the characters and draws players deeper into the...

Microsoft pulls the plug on Project Spark

Project Spark — a game creator exclusive to Microsoft platforms — showed a lot of promise when it was first announced, a sort of high-fidelity LittleBigPlanet with the ability to tai...

Blizzard vows to go hard on Overwatch cheaters

Overwatch‘s open beta closed earlier this week with a much higher number of players than expected. That’s good news for Blizzard’s new multiplayer shooter, which releases later this mont...

Dark Souls III crashing on your PC? Here's how to get around it

Dark Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls. Dark Souls? Dark Souls.

Gender, like race, is now randomly assigned in Rust

When Rust first launched random skin tones in March of last year, there was a bit of an outcry from gamers who suddenly found themselves playing a different race. Nevermind that previously ev...

How a teen hacker placed his own game on Steam's storefront

Watching Paint Dry is everything that it says on the tin: it’s a game where you watch paint dry. Even calling it a game might be stretching the definition, because what 16-year-old hacker&nbs...

You can play Stardew Valley on your Mac right now, with a bit of gumption

Stardew Valley is so hot right now. Not, like, in game, as I’m sure that’d kill the crops, but as a figure of speech, it’s on fi-yah. We loved it in our review, but fo...

Most important Fallout 4 mod ever lets you play as the dog

Your mileage with Fallout 4 may vary: it’s messy and kind of broken, as all Bethesda games are, and you either embrace that and enjoy building an eight-story open-floor office building out of...

Something for the weekend: Conan O'Brien getting trampled in UFC 2

You have to love Conan O’Brien’s Clueless Gamer series, even if you don’t otherwise watch his show. They’re great standalone bits of entertainment. And I suspect, as we get older and we find ourselves...

Here's a look at Whispers of the Old Gods, Hearthstone's newest expansion

“They’re approaching the design of cards like a little bit differently,” Complexity’s Noxious tells our sister site, Hearthhead. “They’re pushing to the extreme the idea of building a deck around...

No Man's Sky will definitely turn out to be a universe inside Peter Molyneux's head

In a jokey interview with Eurogamer’s Chris Bratt (below), No Man’s Sky director Sean Murray confirms what we all suspected: the center of the game’s procedurally-generated universe is Peter...

What the heck is Agario?

“Have you heard of”

Vaping Congressman accused of using official funds on Steam games indicted on federal charges

Editor’s note: this is a republished work from our days as Zam or ReadySet. Some images have been changed.