Animal Crossing New Horizons Features
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Is the Perfect Tool for Virtual Dates
March 2020 was, for most, a precarious period of national lockdowns, quarantines, and canceled plans. But for Nintendo, March 20 of las...

Sometimes it seems like the whole world is playing Animal Crossing right now. The internet is full of snapshots of players going about their lives among their anthropomorphic neighbors...

From the unspoken rules of being a good host, to popular island themes, in-game tours showcase the best of island decorating in Animal Cros...

The operators of Animal Crossing marketplace Nookazon faced community backlash last weekend for attempting to quell a surge in anti-police sentiment within their official Discord server. As mem...

Back in May, Twitter user and daily Animal Crossing player @1c3b3rgmama appealed to New Horizons’ feng shui by placing four pop-eyed goldfish in the corners o...

Animal Crossing: New Horizons provides a number of ways to hustle in its Bell-based economy if you want to get rich quick and pay off Tom Nook’s endless loans. One of the best is...

Throughout the years, Animal Crossing has brought together nearly 500 villagers from across the animal kingdom. The player’s sleepy little village hosts all sorts of different species up and...

For most of us, Animal Crossing represents a much-needed escape from our fast-paced day to day lives. In Nintendo’s idyllic series, we can take a relaxing stroll through a digital neighbourhood...